The gold seeker, when departing from his family, places about his daughter's neck a locket for remembrance. Six months after his leave-taking, he luckily finds a gold nugget, and makes all ... See full summary
The Gold Seeker's Daughter (1909) Online

The gold seeker, when departing from his family, places about his daughter's neck a locket for remembrance. Six months after his leave-taking, he luckily finds a gold nugget, and makes all preparations to return to his family with his riches. On his way, he stops to rest, and is shot by a bandit, who robs the man of his treasure. In consequence of the wound, the father loses his memory. Made wealthy by the other man's find, the robber goes to the city, and meets the daughter of the man he wronged. She infatuates him, and finally she becomes his wife. The father, when his reason is restored, bids his companions good-bye and starts again for home. Upon his arrival he finds no one to greet him, and his feebleness compels him to seek alms from passers-by. An auto drives up to a store, and from it the old man's daughter and her little one alight. Her father asks for aid, but she passes on. The child, however, cries to be permitted to help him, so her mother gives her money for the old man....