» » You Can't Do That on Television Malls: Hangouts (1979–1990)

You Can't Do That on Television Malls: Hangouts (1979–1990) Online

You Can't Do That on Television Malls: Hangouts (1979–1990) Online
Original Title :
Malls: Hangouts
Genre :
TV Episode / Family / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Brenda Mason
Cast :
Christine McGlade,Lisa Ruddy,Alasdair Gillis
Writer :
Geoffrey Darby,Jane Ohland
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
You Can't Do That on Television Malls: Hangouts (1979–1990) Online

Alasdair begins a surprisingly lucrative career as a street performer hanging about businesses, and Ross wants in on the action. Meanwhile, Adam hangs about hoping to catch Christine at the right moment to ask her for a date, Ruth gets to hang out at the house, Alasdair hangs out in detention, Lisa hopes hanging around the set will get her Christine's job, Valerie encourages her daughters to hang out at distant shopping malls, Ross gives the kids enough rope to hang themselves, Lisa worries over what's hanging out of her Barth Burger, Alasdair plans to hang out in public urinals as a career move, Barth reveals he had three kids of his own hanging about the restaurant till he had to ground them, Lisa and Lance suffer hangovers, Alasdair hangs outside his prison window, pockets hang out when kids leave the arcade, Lisa hangs out at the mall to pick up boys while Asaldair hangs out at the skating rink to pick up girls, a street gang charges Lance to hang out at his house, and the ...
Episode cast overview:
Christine McGlade Christine McGlade
Lisa Ruddy Lisa Ruddy
Alasdair Gillis Alasdair Gillis
Ruth Westdal Ruth Westdal
Adam Kalbfleisch Adam Kalbfleisch - Adam
Abby Hagyard Abby Hagyard - Valerie Prevort / Librarian
Les Lye Les Lye - Lance Prevort / Barth Baggs / Ross Ewich / Nasti / Announcer / Blip / Snake-Eyes / Principal / Brutus / Coach
Mike Maguire Mike Maguire - Butch
Aneal Bhartia Aneal Bhartia

This is the first and final appearances of Ruth Westdal and Mike Maguire and Todd Brewer (uncredited) in the series.

Misspellings on the classroom blackboard: It's apparent that "detention" is written on the blackboard; however, only the middle letters "...TENNS..." can be seen.