In the upper room of a tenement house is seen the rendezvous of the terrorists, whose operations have caused the hearts of both rank and file to quake with fear. At this time the room is ... See full summary
The Terrorist's Remorse (1907) Online

In the upper room of a tenement house is seen the rendezvous of the terrorists, whose operations have caused the hearts of both rank and file to quake with fear. At this time the room is filled with members, and the leader proceeds to administer the oath of faithfulness. A ballot is taken, and when the card is drawn all breathe a sigh of relief and look at the one upon whom has fallen the lot to throw the next death-dealing missile, a bomb. The leader steps up to her and reaches out his hand, which she takes, signifying that she will be true to her oath. She now receives her instructions, and stepping up to a large map she is shown where she must take up her position. Receiving the good wishes of her fellow conspirators she takes the bomb under her cape and starts off. We next see the room of the Governor. Two attachés are present when the man enters and opens his mail. One letter is opened by the attaché, and is to be cast aside, but the official demands it, and after perusing it ...
Original French title is undetermined.