» » Mary Tyler Moore Love Is All Around (1970–1977)

Mary Tyler Moore Love Is All Around (1970–1977) Online

Mary Tyler Moore Love Is All Around (1970–1977) Online
Original Title :
Love Is All Around
Genre :
TV Episode / Comedy
Year :
Directror :
Jay Sandrich
Cast :
Mary Tyler Moore,Edward Asner,Valerie Harper
Writer :
James L. Brooks,Allan Burns
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Mary Tyler Moore Love Is All Around (1970–1977) Online

Thirty year old Mary Richards has just moved to Minneapolis to start a new life. She broke off a long term relationship with her now ex-boyfriend Bill. They were in a pre-engagement period for two years while Bill was going through medical school, he promising to marry her once he started his own practice. But when that time came, he didn't want to rush into marriage. In Minneapolis, Mary has to deal both with finding a place to live and finding a job. With the former, her friend, Phyllis Lindstrom, has found an apartment for her in the small building in which she herself lives. Mary will have to battle another tenant, Rhoda Morgenstern, a brash Jewish New Yorker, for that unit. With the latter, Mary applies for a secretarial job at WJM-TV News. After a less than conventional interview with the news' producer, Lou Grant, Mary instead is offered a job as associate producer, which is lower paid than the secretarial job and not very well defined in terms of the responsibilities. Mary's ...
Episode cast overview:
Mary Tyler Moore Mary Tyler Moore - Mary Richards
Edward Asner Edward Asner - Lou Grant
Valerie Harper Valerie Harper - Rhoda Morgenstern
Gavin MacLeod Gavin MacLeod - Murray Slaughter
Ted Knight Ted Knight - Ted Baxter
Angus Duncan Angus Duncan - Bill
Lisa Gerritsen Lisa Gerritsen - Bess Lindstrom
Dave Morick Dave Morick - Locksmith
Cloris Leachman Cloris Leachman - Phyllis Lindstrom

The character of Rhoda did not go over well, in early run-throughs before an audience (it was thought she was 'too mean' to Mary), but after one line of dialogue was added, it gave audiences a whole new perspective. Phyllis says - re; Mary's comment; 'who's Rhoda'; that dumb, awful girl who lives upstairs, that Bess likes'). The addition of the line (of Bess Lindstron);; 'Aunt Rhoda's really a lot of fun - mom hates her'. With this one, simple line, one of the most iconic characters - as well as one of TV's most indelible, endurable, memorable friendships was born.

The (iconic) 'M' on Mary's wall is not the one which is best-remembered. The 'M' used (only) in this episode Is flat. The 'M' which appears subsequently and is best-remembered, is '3-dimensional', with rounded front parts.

The character of 'Ted Baxter' was modeled on Jack Cassidy, who, in fact, was offered the role, but, didn't accept (though, he does appear in one 1st-season episode, as Ted's brother, Hal Baxter).

According to the pilot episode, "Love Is All Around", the rent on Mary's new apartment is $130 a month - equal to $865.68 in 2016.

At Mary's job interview, she says she's Presbytrian. In a later episode, Rhoda will say Mary's Episcopalian.

Mr. Grant's offer of the associate producer job - for $10/week less than the secretarial position, is the equivalent of $62.28/week in 2016

'Phyllis Lindstrom'was originally to be called 'Marna Lindstrom'.

At the initial read-through, actor'Angus Duncan' so disliked the script, he through it, and was almost fired on the spot. However, after the problems were worked out, and the pilot episode was shot, to very positive reviews from the audience, Duncan asked if his character could become a semi-regular, which Messers Brooks and Burns said; 'thanks, but no thanks'.

In this episode, Phyllis's daughter Bess calls her 'mom,'and 'mother'. In all other episodes, she refers to her as 'Phyllis'.

CBS was initially very doubtful off the success of the series, and had scheduled it for Tuesday's, at 9.30p, where it almost certainly would've died. After a 'house-cleaning' of CBS executives, the new executive in charge of programming,'Fred Silverman' made the unusual move of changing the series' from Tuesday to Saturday, and the rest is history.

User reviews



Mary Tyler Moore died today (1/25/17). This incredible actress anchored one of the best ensemble casts in television history. In this opening episode, we are introduced to Lou Grant (Ed Asner), Rhoda Morgenstern (Valerie Harper), Ted Baxter (Ted Knight), Murray Slaughter (Gavin McCloud) and a place that would be like a home to her. There was some controversy about this show in 1970. A young attractive woman who gets a job at a male dominated station, WJM in Minneapolis, being a role model for young women everywhere. I don't know if there is another actress that could have pulled off this role with so much class. The first episode is about relationships developing. It never went downhill after that.