» » 9 Lunas (2015)

9 Lunas (2015) Online

9 Lunas (2015) Online
Original Title :
9 Lunas
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Nathalia Lafuente
Cast :
Isabella Polito de Lares,Bernardina de Sánchez,Nathalia Lafuente
Writer :
Nathalia Lafuente
Budget :
Type :
Rating :
9 Lunas (2015) Online

How is the arrival in the world of human beings in our modern society? How is their birth? How should it be? The director of the documentary seeks to answer these questions by finding a daunting and cruel reality. But during the filming of the documentary something unexpected happens, she becomes pregnant and facing the harsh reality that she found in hospitals and doctors, she solves to record herself and become the star of her own movie, because she has made a decision; to bring her baby into the world in a different way.
Credited cast:
Isabella Polito de Lares Isabella Polito de Lares - Herself
Bernardina de Sánchez Bernardina de Sánchez - Herself
Nathalia Lafuente Nathalia Lafuente - Herself
Beltrán Lares Beltrán Lares - Himself