» » Kingdom of Us (2017)

Kingdom of Us (2017) Online

Kingdom of Us (2017) Online
Original Title :
Kingdom of Us
Genre :
Movie / Documentary / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Lucy Cohen
Cast :
Jamie-Jodie Shanks,Kacie-Kimie Shanks,Lorie-Lanie Shanks
Type :
Time :
1h 49min
Rating :
Kingdom of Us (2017) Online

A father's suicide sends a family of eight on a journey through childhood memories and treacherous emotional waters in this poignant documentary.
Credited cast:
Jamie-Jodie Shanks Jamie-Jodie Shanks
Kacie-Kimie Shanks Kacie-Kimie Shanks
Lorie-Lanie Shanks Lorie-Lanie Shanks
Mirie-Marie Shanks Mirie-Marie Shanks
Nikita-Nina Shanks Nikita-Nina Shanks
Osborn-Oran Shanks Osborn-Oran Shanks
Pippa-Peita Shanks Pippa-Peita Shanks
Vikie Shanks Vikie Shanks

User reviews



This movie is one-of-a-kind because it captures a real-life snapshot of a family that has experienced the suicide of one parent, yet perseveres and continues to draw closer together. My life has some striking parallels so I was captivated by the realism portrayed in dealing with Autism and mental health issues as well as how beautifully Vikie Shanks has embraced her challenging life to love and care for her children exactly as they are. I think that one of the best aspects of Autism is true authenticity and Vikie displays a remarkable balance of allowing her children to express themselves while encouraging harmony and teamwork. I love the realism of daily life, even though some reviewers found the film too long. If nothing else, watch it to the end to better understand the impact of Autism on a family and how suicide and severe mental health issues play a significant role in family dynamics.

I am thankful for the vulnerability displayed by the whole family in sharing such difficult circumstances. Thank you, director Lucy Cohen and the Shanks family, for a beautiful and inspirational film!


Well worth the watch. Very sad to watch. Brings back painful memories of my mums suicide and yrs later my cousins. I have mental health issues its hard to cope some days. Well done this family and to Pippa its hard honey but it will get easier to cope. To Vicky you are one hell off a mum.


This is a family still coming to terms with the effects of tragedy and in the process, learning how to rebuild their shattered unit. There are surprising pieces of wisdom from these teenagers, (particularly the boy and the youngest girl), and great acts of love and courage from all. You'll come to know these people with great affection, like I did.

The documentary picks up some years after the event itself, and is more interested in slowly unraveling the effects of a close death, than hitting us over the head with the details of the suicide, as you might expect in a film, or in lesser hands. This is a filmmaker that respects the subjects she is filming, as there is nothing more painful than the sudden loss of a loved one and that pain is evident here in great volumes. It's sometimes hard to watch.

It's simply heartbreaking and you can't help but wish you could do something for them but of course, we are merely observers, yet never feeling that we are on the outside. We are involved. We care. While it's very personal, it never feels evasive, thanks to Lucy Cohen, the director, who clearly has spent a lot of time with the family and gained their trust. She's often happy to sit back and let her camera observe (she was also the videographer), occasionally prompting them with a question. Subtlety is the key here, and respect.

There's great skill here too in the editing. What a mammoth task to put together several years of filming. You can feel the narrative being crafted, yet its never contrived. Never too obvious. A lovely piece of work from a great talent. I wish the family all the best for the future.


I also know this family locally and they are epic. A constant support to and within the local community. They have brought their experiences out into the public domain in order to help other families understand autism and mental health issues. It takes strength of character to do this and I applaud you and your amazing family, Vikie.
the monster

the monster

This is truly one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen. Yes it's sad but this is their life. I know from reading reviews and tweets that this film has already helped people with mental health issues because it deals with suicide. If you have an interest in Autism and related conditions you'll also want to watch it. Don't take my word for it - Google 'Kingdom Of Us reviews' and see what The Guardian, Rotten Tomatoes, Screen Daily, Daily Dot, The Telegraph, and Decider have to say about it. They can give a way better description than I can. Whatever you do, just watch it.


This production takes you on a very private & intimate journey with a family facing a multitude of demons & hardships. There is so much love within this family and that shines through even throughout their darkest days. What a bunch of courageous people they sure are to share their story with us.
just one girl

just one girl

While the topic of this documentary is very serious and sad, this family is inspiring with their love for each other. This is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. Very well done. I commend the family for opening themselves up on camera and sharing their pain with the public. Vikie is a lucky woman to have such wonderful children, and they are lucky to have her as their mother.


A touching tribute to a family who have worked together to overcome many difficult times. Vikie and her family are a wonderful loving family who give their time to support those going through difficult times in their lives. The family have not had an easy journey through life, but they pull together and give us hope that we can too.


What an incredible family. So strong and with an amazing bond. Watch this film.


A big family like this has different kind of characters in it. And while group suffering is one thing, there is also the individual suffering. And the documentary or filmmaker at helm do a good job getting us in the middle of it. It's never easy dealing with the loss of a loved one, especially if you don't know what went on in their head.

In this case you won't get always all the answers you want to. It's tough to watch but it's finely edited and you may wonder at times if the filmmaker should have offered some kind of help or stayed objective (the latter being the case as you can imagine). If you can stomache it, watch it, but don't expect anything too flashy or sensational from this movie


Very well-made documentary. I can say the director has made a very good work in directing this film. The kind of documentary that can make you think about life and its ups and downs. How important it is to maintain yourself happy and to understand the ones around you.