» » Toddlers and Tiaras Beautiful Dolls (2009–2016)

Toddlers and Tiaras Beautiful Dolls (2009–2016) Online

Toddlers and Tiaras Beautiful Dolls (2009–2016) Online
Original Title :
Beautiful Dolls
Genre :
TV Episode / Reality TV
Year :
Writer :
Tal Kayatsky
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Toddlers and Tiaras Beautiful Dolls (2009–2016) Online

North Carolina holds high-end pageants where the glitz and glitter get you the gold. Kailee, is a pageant veteran at age 5, competing against shy Skyler, 4, and the Gary Sisters Sterling 5, and Paris, 3.
Episode credited cast:
Brenna Gaskin Brenna Gaskin - Herself