» » Let's Get Bizzee (1993)

Let's Get Bizzee (1993) Online

Let's Get Bizzee (1993) Online
Original Title :
Letu0027s Get Bizzee
Genre :
Year :
Directror :
Carl Clay
Cast :
Lisa Nicole Carson,Anthony Chisholm,Starletta DuPois
Writer :
Eugene Jordan III
Type :
Time :
1h 32min
Rating :
Let's Get Bizzee (1993) Online

Credited cast:
Lisa Nicole Carson Lisa Nicole Carson
Anthony Chisholm Anthony Chisholm - Dillon
Starletta DuPois Starletta DuPois - Mrs.Baker
Doug E. Fresh Doug E. Fresh - Sam Baker
Dhonna Harris Goodale Dhonna Harris Goodale - Reporter

User reviews



When a corrupt black state assemblyman from New York City threatens to destroy the projects in his district by selling out to condominium development interests, a young hiphop artist (Doug E. Fresh) galvanises the community in an election-year charge to unseat him. Although this film proves to be an engaging story about the power of youthful political activism, it also succeeds in not taking itself too seriously--blending camp with social consciousness. Highlights: socially astute original hiphop songs coupled with spirited discussions and dramatisations about the issues facing black inner-city communities. Major flaws: unnecessarily foul language and a dissatisfying anticlimactic ending. 6/10