» » One Two (2011)

One Two (2011) Online

One Two (2011) Online
Original Title :
One Two
Genre :
Movie / Short / Drama / Sport
Year :
Directror :
Bryan Coelho
Cast :
Igor Breakenback,Billy Milionis,Dan Mor
Writer :
Bryan Coelho
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Jem, an over the hill boxer, pushing his late thirties, gets a job in an office. Out of place, he struggles to get to grips with his new life. As the stress of an approaching fight and ... See full summary

One Two (2011) Online

Jem, an over the hill boxer, pushing his late thirties, gets a job in an office. Out of place, he struggles to get to grips with his new life. As the stress of an approaching fight and office deadlines snowball out of control, he must find his heart and fight, or lay down and be counted out.
Credited cast:
Igor Breakenback Igor Breakenback - Boss
Billy Milionis Billy Milionis - Jem
Dan Mor Dan Mor - Fighter