The Convict (1910) Online

The convict is discovered stealing along a country road, glancing about for signs of danger. His stripes are discernible on that portion of his breast and on that portion of his trousers' leg not covered by the long coat he wears, which cannot conceal the stripes that tell all, hence his keen watch for passersby. Still, he does not spy a nearby farmer until too late; the cry "prisoner loose" is raised and a dozen rustics make after the unfortunate. The Convict meets an accomplice who is waiting with a carriage, jumps into the carriage and the pair drive off. Baffled pursuers come up, sight a wagon, all pile in and resume the pursuit. The Convict jumps from the carriage and drops behind a boulder, the accomplice driving straight on with the wagon hot after him; when the wagon has passed him by, the convict comes from behind the boulder, crosses the road and disappears on the other side, but he has been seen crossing the road by a small girl who kept out of sight until the convict had ...