» » Things That Go Bump (2016)

Things That Go Bump (2016) Online

Things That Go Bump (2016) Online
Original Title :
Things That Go Bump
Genre :
Movie / Short
Year :
Directror :
Carrie Chykaliuk
Cast :
Daniel Kulti,Harley B.,Samantha Heer
Writer :
Fred T.
Budget :
Type :
Rating :
Things That Go Bump (2016) Online

When an ancient evil is brought back! Jason and his friends must band together and fight the very things that go bump!
Credited cast:
Daniel Kulti Daniel Kulti - Jason
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Harley B. Harley B. - Extra-Sister
Samantha Heer Samantha Heer - Ashley
DaShawn Miller DaShawn Miller - Monster
Ryan Reyes Ryan Reyes - Eric
Ryan Reyes Ryan Reyes - Eric
Max Robbins Max Robbins - Ryan