» » The Ritman Library: Amsterdam (2017)

The Ritman Library: Amsterdam (2017) Online

The Ritman Library: Amsterdam (2017) Online
Original Title :
The Ritman Library: Amsterdam
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Sara Ferro,Chris Weil
Cast :
Joost Ritman,Esther Ritman,Cis van Heertum
Budget :
Type :
Time :
1h 30min
Rating :
The Ritman Library: Amsterdam (2017) Online

Watch legendary first editions, rare books and manuscripts like the famous Fama Fraternitatis, Corpus Hermeticum, Tabula Smaragdina, Atalanta Fugiens, Spaccio della bestia trionfante, Plontin Polyglot Bible and discover incredible works of authors like Basilius Valentinus, Marsilio Ficino, Johannes Reuchlin, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, Paracelsus, Giordano Bruno, Heinrich Khunrath, Michael Maier, Jacob Böhme, Lambspring, Robert Fludd, Daniel Mögling, Baruch Spinoza, Matthäus Merian and Stephan Michelspacher. Learn more about the Ritman Library featuring wonderful stories and anecdotes of Joost Ritman, Esther Ritman, Cis van Heertum, José Bouman and Dr. Marco Pasi. Summary : - Exclusive rare books, manuscripts, wood cuts, engravings and first editions - Fascinating interviews and anecdotes - Amazing visual contents and images - Stunning symbols of Alchemy, Hermetica, Mysticism, Cabala, Magic, Rosicrucianism - Learn more about the spellbinding history of Western ...
Cast overview:
Joost Ritman Joost Ritman - Founder of the library
Esther Ritman Esther Ritman - Director of the library
Cis van Heertum Cis van Heertum - Curator of the 1800-present rare books collection
José Bouman José Bouman - Curator of the pre-1800 rare books collection
Dr. Marco Pasi Dr. Marco Pasi - Associate Professor in History of Hermetic philosophy and related currents (University of Amsterdam)

User reviews



This documentary is very interesting on many levels. On one hand, we get to see some of the most amazing treasure books kept in the Ritman Library and to know the stories behind them. In the interviews, the founder and curators of the library speak about their heartfelt passion for these texts and philosophies with deep knowlege and no mumbo jumbo.

On the other hand, the film is a great introduction to some of the main esoteric traditions and to authors such as Bruno, Rosenkreutz, Ficino, Fludd or Bohme. Certainly, the filmmakers do a great job illustrating the main schools of thought of the hermetic domain through gorgeous books. Highly recommended!