» » F-27: The Movie (2014)

F-27: The Movie (2014) Online

F-27: The Movie (2014) Online
Original Title :
F-27: The Movie
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Willy Combe
Cast :
Gustavo Borjas,Omar Bravo,Pilar Brescia
Writer :
Liliana Álvarez
Type :
Time :
1h 25min
Rating :
F-27: The Movie (2014) Online

On December, 1987, a plane carrying the Peruvian soccer team, Alianza Lima, crashed and nearly everyone on board died. Years later, people deeply affected by the tragedy start finding clues that might reveal a bigger plot behind the accident.
Credited cast:
Gustavo Borjas Gustavo Borjas - Potrillo
Omar Bravo Omar Bravo - Potrillo
Pilar Brescia Pilar Brescia - Estela
Christian Buenaño Christian Buenaño - Potrillo
Franco Cabrera Franco Cabrera - Víctor Rodríguez
Oscar Carrillo Oscar Carrillo - Rigoberto Vilar
Germaán Carty Germaán Carty - Potrillo
Darling Cavero Darling Cavero - Potrillo
Jesús Delaveaux Jesús Delaveaux - News Anchor
Omar Estrada Omar Estrada - Potrillo
Carlos Gómez Carlos Gómez - Potrillo
José Jayo José Jayo - Potrillo
Karina Jordán Karina Jordán - Laura Pinillos
Oscar López Arias Oscar López Arias - Eduardo Morán
Franco Morán Franco Morán - Potrillo