Escaping from her home of coral and the pearl-studded paths in the dominion of Father Neptune, an adventurous young goddess finds herself in the land of mortals, and like ordinary beings, ... See full summary
Goddess of the Sea (1909) Online

Escaping from her home of coral and the pearl-studded paths in the dominion of Father Neptune, an adventurous young goddess finds herself in the land of mortals, and like ordinary beings, dreams of love begin to take possession of her. In her loneliness, Cupid comes to her assistance, and taking a random shot, he flings from his bow the arrow to which some sensitive youth must fall a prey. Under Cupid's guidance, the goddess is taken to where a comely young shepherd has fallen under the influence of the love-dealing arrow, and forthwith the goddess gains a devoted lover in the person of the shepherd. Leaving his herd of goats, he spends his hours in companionship with this fascinating denizen of the mighty deep, pouring into her thirsting ear praises and flattery with all the fervor of his newly generated passion. Father Neptune assembles his merry band of sea-nymphs to serenade the lovers, and the course of love proceeds with delight to the heart of the goddess. But suddenly the ...
Original French title is undetermined.
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