» » Адормидера (2013)

Адормидера (2013) Online

Адормидера (2013) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
Year :
Directror :
Raymond Mizzi
Cast :
Andrei Claude,Lori MacFadyen,Joseph Calleja
Type :
Time :
1h 30min
Rating :

A group of five surviving soldiers in the late 1300's are returning home, however along the journey they encounter an unforeseen turn of events.

Адормидера (2013) Online

A fictional story set in the late 1300's about a group of five soldiers who are returning home from battle. As they journey back across different lands, hungry and exhausted they request food and lodging for the night in a fort. Inside the fort they experience some peculiar behavior, and whilst four of the soldiers decide to ignore it, Tristan can't seem to help getting involved, only problem is he takes it a step too far.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Andrei Claude Andrei Claude - Tristan
Lori MacFadyen Lori MacFadyen - Lady Isobel
Joseph Calleja Joseph Calleja - Arn
Henry Zammit Cordina Henry Zammit Cordina - Lord William
Larissa Bonaci Larissa Bonaci - Adormidera's mother
Derek DeGaetano Derek DeGaetano - Ivor
Andre Mallia Andre Mallia - Jodas
Robert Grima Robert Grima - Reeve
Daniel Sammut Daniel Sammut - Rothgar
Barry Calvert Barry Calvert - Father Oswald
Audrey Harrison Audrey Harrison - Adormidera
Rob Zammit Rob Zammit - Ivan
Clara Calleja Clara Calleja - Guinevere
Joe Degiorgio Joe Degiorgio - Ralf
Julia Calvert Julia Calvert - Elizabeth

User reviews



There have been movies with limited budget which are pleasantly enjoyable, unfortunately Adormidera is not one of them. It has issues on the most fundamental aspects such as script, camera work and even sound mixing till the point that it's hard to invest on the movie at all. This resembles more of some friends making video in Renaissance fair than actual feature length movie.

Story follows five soldiers who survive the war. They are in their way home when they meet with several dubious characters who involve them in a power struggle. There is lack of clarity on the war mentioned, the main character uses heavy monologues, but ultimately doesn't explain much. The monologues are not only needlessly long and aplenty, they also create synchronization errors for most of the sound effects.

The sound is oddly out of tune from its visual. Some of the lines feel bizarre, but the worst is the sound effect of the surroundings. There are far too many times when the footstep, motion or even background noise feel simply muted or in much lower volume. Sadly, graphic doesn't fare much better with shaky and jittery cam.

Some of the scenes are shot very closely to the characters' faces, right zoomed in their foreheads or jaws. This starts off annoying and it becomes just silly as important sequences show only half face of the characters. The contrast between light and darkness is poor, creating indiscernible scenes as the story goes into nighttime. Also, the persistent problem of rumbling camera exists, but the movie takes it further as it accidentally shoots random objects or background.

Acting is subpar, most of the characters are overly zealous or simply uncomfortable. Maybe the lead role Andrei Claude is decent here, but as random extras interact with high pitch tone or wooden expression it's hard to take the plot seriously. Story is a vague endeavor, using war torn theme and damsel-in-distress female. It doesn't culminate well as the climatic fights are merely random brawls.

If the movie had some sort of solid production, it could have been a decent past time, but as it stands with multitude of basic flaws, Adormidera is nearly unbearable.


Although visually I feel this movie does live up to its expectations the script does not seem to match up as well. The plot itself is fine, and towards the end it draws you in much more. The dialogue, the development of secondary characters and the transition between scenes could have been much better though.

It was interesting to see how despite the weakness in the script and lack of direction the lead actor still plays out his role as Tristan very well, a character which seems to prevail throughout the entire movie. The stereotypical tall, dark and handsome hero possesses a powerful screen presence and delivers a very charismatic and enjoyable performance.

The battle scene towards the end is also quite gripping, and the action gets even better in the one-on-one segments. Nothing too graphic, which justifies the PG rating, but it keeps you on edge until the the very end.


My quick rating - 3,9/10. I realize this is a Maltese film made on a shoestring budget BUT that doesn't mean I can set aside a poor story, really bad acting, cut scenes that appeared like they were editing out commercials, etc. I felt like the whole time I was watching it was more a group of adults got together, bought a damn nice couple of cameras and set out to make a movie, which is fine. Problem being what they churned out was just so poorly done (minus some nice scenery wherever these people live). I want to rate it higher, I really do, but even the points I am giving are down to a sheer decent ending after a whole lot of boring nonsense. I would be doing harm to you if I didn't point out the fighting in this movie is atrocious. Anyway, if you did become brave and see "The Night Crew" after reading my review, then you know the end of this movie as well (so not a spoiler, but more an eluded to spoiler). Either way, 1 minute out of 90 doesn't make up for the rest of the wasted time. Take a pass unless it is on cable for free (which you would assume it was made for anyway by how the movie looks and feels) Oh, if you feel the need to find this, it is also called Seventh Sword : Avenging the Throne.


What to say, really, it was awful, terribly awful. When I read the reviews, I thought, it was worth a try, but I instantly regretted it. All of Malta must've upvoted this movie, which is terrible, since if this is what they consider the best in Maltese cinema, I shudder to think what they usually have.

Woody acting, lack of expression, weak dialogues, bad pacing, bad sound and terrible plot. Almost everything wrong that's been done in a movie has been done here. The only good thing about the movie is its setting, but even then, there's not much to see, giving it a rustic ambiance, but nothing extraordinary. The acting of the main character Tristain is acceptable, but not exceptional. Add it to the cast of terrible supporting actors, even his better-than-average acting can save the movie, especially when all he got left is a bad script.

The only reason I give it a 2, is because I think that it can probably be watched by some people who are into those medieval and renaissance fair stuff, but most people would call it trash. From the first 5 minutes of watching I knew it was bad, but I kept watching because I thought this could've been one of those movies that was so bad, it's good. Unfortunately, this movie is not one of those and I called it quits halfway into the movie.

So if you guys are looking for a good medieval setting movie, don't bother. Go watch Kingdom of Heaven, Lord of the Rings or other similar stuff. This movie should be put in the list of "The Movies I'd Watch If There's Nothing Else To Watch Or Do".


The Good - This was a very ambitious project, so I admire the executive producers for taking the risk and investing in such a production. Any experienced filmmaker will tell you that the hardest part of this business is always related to funding. Which brings me to my next positive point, the setting. The visuals of this film are actually very good, the way each set is designed and the lighting used really enhance the feel of this medieval story, so well done to the set designer and the director of photography. And last but certainly not least I applaud the main actor (Andrei Claude) for his outstanding performance as Tristan of Leon. Quoting from a recent review on The Sunday Times "Claude has good screen presence and portrays well the noble hero that has seen his sense of idealism dissipating before his eyes by the callousness of the world around him." I should add that this is also a credit to the casting director who must have had a clear vision of what this character had to represent.

The Bad - I don't like being negative but I have to be honest. The story wasn't well structured and many areas remain unexplained. Some of the acting was rather poor, and I found this a bit distracting.

The Outcome - I still enjoyed watching this film and I recommend it. Yes it could have been much better, but so could World War Z (which cost $190,000,000) and millions of people watched it anyway.


If one had to be realistic about the expectations of a historical movie made on a low budget, this one certainly deserves some credit. Although in my opinion it falls short in terms of story line and direction, the attention to detail doesn't go unnoticed.

Nevertheless, I found the story rather enjoyable, and particularly in the second half of the movie it became more engaging. Although a large part of the supporting cast seems to be made up of first time actors (judging by their IMDb credits) the remarkable performance by the lead actor, as well as his charm undoubtedly contribute to the movie's visual entertainment. The sword-fighting was also good, especially towards the end.

Overall, this movie is not a blockbuster but worth watching.


This work is sickeningly awfully in every aspect. Many people from Malta and friends of the team must have voted.

The script is poor, the plot lacks proper development, the dialogues are sickly, the acting is amateurish... I can go into more detail and cover elements such as filming techniques, colour and sound but I'll spare you all that.

The director also resorted to the idea of employing some kind of fake, working-class English accent which can be anachronistically and distastefully hilarious for a very short while but it gets overbearing and tedious right away.

How did that famous tenor Joseph Calleja accept a role in this Z movie? Has he lost all self-respect?

There should never have been a theatre release and the team should have reserved this film for their own personal use.
Deodorant for your language

Deodorant for your language

I was excited to see this because I love this kind of period movie, but that fact of the matter is this movie was awful. So awful that I could not stop watching it to see how bad it could get. The acting was poor (for example, Lord William's reaction when his son was killed was about as overwhelming as my reaction when I find a brown spot on my banana).

The production was also poor, with the camera work all over the place and the sound inconsistent.

Finally, I think the script for this move needed a LOT of work. So much is undeveloped. You hardly learn anything about Adormidera, for example, and she is the title character!

Overall, the only use for this movie is if they ever bring Mystery Science Theater 3000 back.


The basis of the story is fine. You have a group of five soldiers who reunite after a long battle and decide to travel back to their town together. What's lacking at this point already is the back-story. We don't know who was in battle or even the reason they were fighting, all we know is that they are now returning home.

It's very clear even just through his mannerism during his first appearance on screen that Tristan is an army commander and thus he will be also leading his men back. A flawless and very enjoyable character interpretation by the young Maltese actor which in my opinion "saves" the movie, because although there is a lack of structure in the story itself, interestingly Tristan's character becomes the main subject where his inner conflicts begin to emerge when he comes face-to-face with a lord who prompts a memory of a very unpleasant past.


Although this film might not quite live up to its expectations as an "epic" given that the word today seems to be used more to describe productions of an immense scale rather than of a historical genre, it certainly has elements which make it worthy of such a tagline, bearing in mind of course the words "Malta's first"precede it.

The story itself is not exactly a stroke of genius. You have five soldiers returning home from a battle which is only described as a "skirmish up North". They stop by a fortress on the way and ask for shelter. It then turns out that the lord who rules this fortress might have a grudge against the protagonist, Tristan played by the very charismatic Andrei Claude. Although the lord sets his grudge aside and greets the soldiers into his fortress, Tristan soon enough gives him a good reason to hunt him down and seek revenge. The underlying story, which is the psychological journey Tristan goes through as he encounters different scenarios is much more appealing in my opinion.

The choice of costumes was interesting and most of the sets looked quite authentic. The action scenes were rather limited but at least well executed and not overly graphic. As far as the acting goes, with the exception of Tristan, who seems like he was born for this kind of role, and a few others such as the priest and lady Isobel I feel it falls a bit short.

With that being said, I still enjoyed watching it, and I thought it was a very brave effort.


I support all Maltese productions, but this movie is by far the best one I have watched. I enjoy medieval history and I was impressed with how authentic everything looked.

I did find the story a bit hard to follow in the beginning but it began making sense after the second half.

Most of the acting is good and the different characters are well portrayed. Claude portrays a believable hero as Tristan of Leon and has a strong presence on screen. I also enjoyed watching the fighting scenes in the end, they seemed well choreographed and not overstated. The twist towards the end is completely unexpected and I really liked the ending.


Do not let the ratings fool you: this movie is bad. I really hoped it would be even passable, but not really - there are areas where it is OK, the fight scenes are fine, the idea was fine, but then it falls flat on its face in those bits it didn't need to, namely writing and direction.

The story is all over the place. The first part has a completely unattached visit to blacksmith, stapled on to showcase Joseph Calleja - he sings nice, and acts fairly well, in this film the non-actors constantly outperform the actors - but contributes nothing to the story. Also he is the worst blacksmith ever, banging on cold steel with a hammer. This would not matter, if it was not first of a series of weird illogical details, that could easily have been written around. Have him do something else if you do not have means to heat the iron, for example.

The setting is deliberately vague, there is a war on "in the north" and any shot is meticulously avoided that would show where the action takes place: why could it not take place in Malta? Why not show a bit of Malta, even if was not - not that many people would point and go THAT'S MDINA!! As a result the story seems unrooted, and the filming claustrophobic as there are very few far shots, mostly half-closeups. Also the beginning is full of speechifying, especially the (yes, very handsome) main character is made to look in the horizon and spout Wisdom and Philosophical Truth instead of acting like a normal human being. Later on the director has people twitching, and tutting, and more speeches, in places were a simple look would have sufficed and been more natural. Even extras in the market are all super lively, no-one is waiting for his rabbit to be weighed, no, they all gesticulate and haggle.

After rather pointless meandering, the actual plot of the film takes place. This was the better part of the film, and has some reasonably good and natural acting, as well as some fight scenes that are quite good - well done, historical reenactors. The end of the story is quite good too, even if more time could have been used to elaborate, maybe also some foreshadowing? Would have been better use of screen time than the dull speeches at the beginning.


SEVENTH SWORD is another of those cheap medieval films made on a budget just above that of a typical indie. The main characters are a group of adventurers returning home in the Middle Ages, only to fall foul of a sinister plot that causes them to fight their way out. It's extraordinarily cheap and limited in terms of plotting, cinematography, and intent, and the dialogue which just goes on and on and on is really, really boring. The worst thing about this? It was made in Malta, which is very unusual, so you wish they'd come up with something better.


As others have mentioned, the story is a bit lacking - could have used a bit more "spice" but overall it's a good watch for someone like myself. I actually liked the film.

This is basic Knight, Sword, Shield and Fair Maiden film - a romance in the making when he (Tristan) sees her (Adormidera)for the first time. 5 men returning home from battle and now have to defend their homeland against an army - along with the woman they are compelled to help. Why are their soldiers after her? Who is she exactly?

There are a few good battle scenes along with love story... it just needs a bit tiny bit more zest to the story and it would have been superior - but the film is great as it is.



Bad acting, clumsy directing and thin story. If you are alone in Antarctica and you have not seen any movie for months and are bored out of your skull, try it. Otherwise just give it a pass. Not worth it. It starts off badly - trying to invoke the cheap emotion of characters being battle weary. Then it moves on to situations that tries to milk this further but only succeeds in falsifying it more. The acting above all is bad - to go with the clumsy directing. I knew it was not going to be a great movie but was in the mood for a old time swords and blood movie. This was not it. This was just bad. One can climb into it further, pointing out the unbelievable clothing and that it presents fat nonathletic looking characters doing heroic physical deeds, but it will be repeating the first line. Avoid it.


Maybe this movie doesn't quite meet everyone's expectations, however I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. It's a simple story but yet I found it quite captivating. It's evident in some scenes that the budget wasn't in the millions, whilst in others it looked just like a Hollywood epic. The costumes looked great, most of the sets looked very authentic, the music is lovely and I enjoyed the action sequences. Very interesting to see tenor Joseph Calleja in a featured role, which I felt was played out well. The star of this show however, was rightfully the leading actor who hails from Malta, Andrei Claude. He delivers a very strong performance and a powerful screen presence.