» » Batwoman and Robin (1972)

Batwoman and Robin (1972) Online

Batwoman and Robin (1972) Online
Original Title :
Batwoman and Robin
Genre :
Movie / Action / Fantasy
Year :
Directror :
Jun Aristorenas
Cast :
Robin Aristorenas,Virginia Aristorenas,Sofia Moran
Writer :
Greg Macabenta
Type :
Rating :
Batwoman and Robin (1972) Online

Cast overview:
Robin Aristorenas Robin Aristorenas - Robin
Virginia Aristorenas Virginia Aristorenas - Batwoman (as Virginia)
Sofia Moran Sofia Moran - Catwoman
Johnny Monteiro Johnny Monteiro - Zandro the Great
Prospero Luna Prospero Luna - Fuman-Chao
Pancho Pelagio Pancho Pelagio - The Mad Killer
Venchito Galvez Venchito Galvez
Romy Nario Romy Nario
Rey 'Bigboy' Basa Rey 'Bigboy' Basa - (as Rey Big Boy)