» » Major Arcana (2018)

Major Arcana (2018) Online

Major Arcana (2018) Online
Original Title :
Major Arcana
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Josh Melrod
Cast :
Lane Bradbury,Rachel Donahue,Collen Doyle
Writer :
Josh Melrod
Type :
Time :
1h 22min
Rating :
Major Arcana (2018) Online

A long-troubled itinerant carpenter returns home to small town Vermont and attempts to build a log cabin by hand, hoping to free himself from a cycle of poverty and addiction. But when he reconnects with Sierra, a woman with whom he shares a complicated past, he becomes locked in a desperate struggle between the person he was and the person he hopes to become.
Credited cast:
Lane Bradbury Lane Bradbury - Jean
Rachel Donahue Rachel Donahue - Molly
Collen Doyle Collen Doyle - Craig
Tara Summers Tara Summers - Sierra
Ujon Tokarski Ujon Tokarski - Dink