» » Balra a nap nyugszik (2000)

Balra a nap nyugszik (2000) Online

Balra a nap nyugszik (2000) Online
Original Title :
Balra a nap nyugszik
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
András Fésös
Cast :
Gyözö Szabó,Andrea Takáts,László Keszég
Writer :
András Fésös,Gábor Németh
Type :
Time :
1h 31min
Rating :
Balra a nap nyugszik (2000) Online

Cast overview, first billed only:
Gyözö Szabó Gyözö Szabó - Winter
Andrea Takáts Andrea Takáts - Maria
László Keszég László Keszég - Zsolt
Maria Schuster Maria Schuster - Christine
Ernest Lenart Ernest Lenart - Öregúr
Evelyn Virene Evelyn Virene - Feleség
Vilmos Csaplár Vilmos Csaplár - Férj
Olivér Mesch Olivér Mesch - Gyerek
Peter Stock Peter Stock - Szerkesztõ
Nimród Antal Nimród Antal - Megbízó
Moutlak Osman Moutlak Osman - Öregúr
Sindy Engel Sindy Engel - Kislány
Peter Günther Peter Günther - Kisfiú
Enikõ Szilágyi Enikõ Szilágyi - Pincérnõ
László Szabó László Szabó - Béla bácsi

User reviews



Excellent movie! You only realize afterwards how little actually happened in it. The way it is told however is what makes this film undoubtedly a good one! Go and see it everyone!


This movie was shown recently in the middle of the night and I must say it was the perfect time of day for viewing. It is a rather gritty piece with a hopeful ending and some truly funny episodes like the one where at the turn of the 21st century the main character's friend reads the description of an East German seaside resort from a travel book that had been printed in the communist era - probably the same volume my family used during our visits to the DDR only to get hopelessly lost every time we tried to use the maps...

While not much happens in this film somehow it still manages to firmly glue you to the screen. I was a bit confused about the job Maria holds, not that it really mattered in the bigger scheme of things, the gloomy, closed-in atmosphere of a seaside resort in the middle of off season was perfectly conveyed.

Unfortunately the sound quality of the copy I saw was pretty bad to the point of me missing some of the dialogue. Still, this is certainly a movie I would watch again.