A young couple has ordered a portrait of the wife's mother, and upon examination thereof at the artist's it is pronounced perfect. The portrait is paid for and removed to the home with ... See full summary
Haunted Portrait (1907) Online

A young couple has ordered a portrait of the wife's mother, and upon examination thereof at the artist's it is pronounced perfect. The portrait is paid for and removed to the home with great care. When suspended on the wall the picture seems to be such a close resemblance to its original that it is almost life itself and desires to express its appreciation of the honor conferred. As the man is seated at the table and momentarily turns his back the image assumes life and stoops over and, taking up the wine glass, drains its contents, replaces the glass and resumes its natural composure. The man is amazed to find his glass empty, and when the second glass and part of his food meets a similar fate he investigates, but finds no clue to the strange disappearance of his luncheon. Changing his seat he resumes the reading of his paper, when some of the edibles are thrown at him. In consternation he arises, and when he scrutinizes the picture closely he finds this to stare back at him and ...