Rent is due and no money in the house. The landlord gives the tenant time up to 3 o'clock. The shoemaker then devises a new scheme to get money. He tells his wife to lie upon the couch and ... See full summary
A New Way to Pay Debts (1908) Online

Rent is due and no money in the house. The landlord gives the tenant time up to 3 o'clock. The shoemaker then devises a new scheme to get money. He tells his wife to lie upon the couch and paints a sign, "Died From Smallpox,'' which he puts at the head of his accomplice. The butcher comes for his money. The shoemaker tells him his poor wife died and he has not even money enough to bury her. The good-hearted butcher, instead of collecting his money, adds to the funeral expenses of the deceased wife. The same scheme is worked upon the baker and other people calling for money. When, however, the schemer himself lies down and puts up a sign, "We Both Died From Smallpox," his trick is discovered and he is made to pay up.
Released as a split reel along with See the Point? (1908).