» » The Heat: A Kitchen (R)evolution (2018)

The Heat: A Kitchen (R)evolution (2018) Online

The Heat: A Kitchen (R)evolution (2018) Online
Original Title :
The Heat: A Kitchen (R)evolution
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Maya Gallus
Cast :
Suzanne Barr,Victoria Blarney,Amanda Cohen
Writer :
Maya Gallus
Type :
Time :
1h 15min
Rating :

It takes a brazen personality to excel in the competitive sport of professional cooking. A woman can only ascend the ranks if she can take the heat. Meet seven women chefs at the forefront of a "revolution."

The Heat: A Kitchen (R)evolution (2018) Online

It takes a brazen personality to excel in the competitive sport of professional cooking. A woman can only ascend the ranks if she can take the heat. Meet seven women chefs at the forefront of a "revolution."
Credited cast:
Suzanne Barr Suzanne Barr - Herself
Victoria Blarney Victoria Blarney - Herself
Amanda Cohen Amanda Cohen - Herself
Angela Hartnett Angela Hartnett - Herself
Ivy Knight Ivy Knight - Herself
Charlotte Langley Charlotte Langley - Herself
Anita Lo Anita Lo - Herself
Anne-Sophie Pic Anne-Sophie Pic - Herself

User reviews



The Heat is an insightful documentary from writer director Maya Gallus, who attempts to tackle the inequality in kitchens between male and female chefs. The result is an interesting snap shot into the lives of eight current and ex chefs, from the finest dining establishments in France to café owners in Canada. Maya Gallus isn't passing judgement here and for most women The Heat isn't saying anything we don't already know namely, women need to perform one hundred percent better than our male counterparts. The most telling comment for me was from one chef who revealed she was part of the problem and had treated young male staff in the same abusive manner that she had suffered. The conclusion seemed to be that if you are a woman and you work in a kitchen environment that fosters mentoring and support you are lucky but that other women are not so fortunate. It would have been a more rounded documentary for me if it had included some male points of view on this subject, but nevertheless a documentary worth seeing just for the sneak peek into award chef Anna-Sophie Pic's kitchen at Maison Pic.