Kenneth Dana, the son of a rich mother, is devoted to his art, but he has not yet reached the point where he is self-supporting. Falling in love with his charming model, Mabel Fenton, he is... See full summary
When Strong Wills Clash (1914) Online

Kenneth Dana, the son of a rich mother, is devoted to his art, but he has not yet reached the point where he is self-supporting. Falling in love with his charming model, Mabel Fenton, he is inspired to hard work. His mother, unexpectedly calling at his studio, finds Mabel there and demanding to know who she is, Mabel tells her that she is Kenneth's fiancée and shows her engagement ring. Enraged, the proud old lady insults her and leaves her almost heartbroken. When Kenneth returns and finds out the trouble he tells her that it will be all right and that they will be married soon. After a marriage, which is kept secret from his mother, he takes his wife to his mother's house to get her blessing. She refuses to see Mabel, and Kenneth, grieving, leaves the house for good. For a while the young couple live in poverty. A child is born to them, a beautiful boy, the pride of their hearts. Mabel falls ill, the result of want and deprivation, and a nurse is called in, Sister Martha. She brings...
Original French title is undetermined.
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