» » Epic Rap Battles of History

Epic Rap Battles of History Online

Epic Rap Battles of History  Online
Original Title :
Epic Rap Battles of History
Genre :
TV Series / Short / Comedy / History / Music
Cast :
Nice Peter,Epic Lloyd,Dante Cimadamore
Type :
TV Series
Rating :
Epic Rap Battles of History Online

A YouTube video series that pits famous historical, pop culture, or fictional characters against one another in rap battle format.
Series cast summary:
Nice Peter Nice Peter - Abraham Lincoln / - 67 episodes, 2010-2018
Epic Lloyd Epic Lloyd - Adolf Hitler / - 68 episodes, 2010-2018

The idea for the Epic Rap Battles of History originally came from a stand up suggestion from EpicLLOYD to Peter Shukoff.

User reviews



In one word, Epic Rap Battles Of History is just that... Epic. EpicLoyd and nicepeter have turned their improvisation skills and their rapping skills, into something that is truly amazing.

Epic Rap Battles Of History is a show that destroys the fourth wall to bring you character through time, space, and alternate realities and brings them together in a unique way. Usually, they put two different characters in with each other that could be considered the same person, an example of this would be: Adolph Hitler vs. Darth Vader. While at other times they get two different characters that do the same thing, but are totally different from the other: Mozart vs. Skrillex, and at other times they use real events for inspiration for there videos: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney.

No matter what episode it is, or the characters in it, you are always promised a good time when you watch, Epic Wap Battles Of HHiissttoowwyy!!!


This is a great series that is both funny, witty, and very well produced. None of the jokes are "Ph.D. level history," but at the same time you can tell that these guys actually have researched their subjects or at least know what they're talking about. They do a really nice job of making jokes that are actually funny without offending just for the sake of offending, and more often than not both sides get at least a few good lines. They also often do a pretty good job of finding clever match-ups, e.g. Christopher Columbus vs. Captain Kirk or Napoleon Bonaparte vs. Napoleon Dynamite. Both of the main stars are talented, but Nice Peter really stands out for disappearing into his role (for example, his Mr. Rogers is outstanding). The series has also had several guest stars who have often done a good job, although a few have been pretty disappointing.

Imho, the series has gone downhill a little, and some of the match-ups are a little groan-worth/clichéd, but the new episodes are still pretty good. While it isn't perfect, I still like this series enough to say that it may very well be the single best Youtube creation.


I have been a long time viewer of ERB, and after this long while, I have to admit, this show just gets better and better with all the rap battles and characters. The idea of having real people, or even fictional characters rap against each other is a great idea and it is just one of the cleverest I have seen in a while, there are quite a few funny jokes put into the rap battles which are great because they can be used to a character's advantage to wreck the character they are battling against. I also like that it is not just nice peter and epiclloyd rapping against each other as the characters all the time and sometimes the have great guests in some of the rap battles, which again is a nice touch and it will always get you thinking about what other guests they should have. So overall, if you want fun rap battles with great people that will stay enjoyable then watch epic rap battles of history, it is literally nothing short of the epic in the name. You will be amazed.