Dr. Rush has just received $5,600 for a new hospital and deposits it in his desk drawer. Mr. Burns, the gentleman who earns his living by depriving other people of what belongs to them, ... See full summary
When Duty Calls (1912) Online

Dr. Rush has just received $5,600 for a new hospital and deposits it in his desk drawer. Mr. Burns, the gentleman who earns his living by depriving other people of what belongs to them, gets wise to the treasure box, and decides to rob the house. Mr. Burns is the proud possessor of a baby who is desperately ill, and while this does not interfere with his profession, he has still enough heart to desire the baby cured. Consequently, his wife sends for a physician. She sends for Doctor Rush. As he is about to leave, Dr. Rush is met by the burglar in his own house, and is badly beaten. Nevertheless, he goes where duty calls, and there, while treating the sick child, is again seen by the burglar. The recognition is mutual and results in the burglar's reformation.
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