» » Penny Dreadful Grand Guignol (2014–2019)

Penny Dreadful Grand Guignol (2014–2019) Online

Penny Dreadful Grand Guignol (2014–2019) Online
Original Title :
Grand Guignol
Genre :
TV Episode / Drama / Fantasy / Horror
Year :
Directror :
James Hawes
Cast :
Reeve Carney,Timothy Dalton,Eva Green
Writer :
John Logan,John Logan
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Penny Dreadful Grand Guignol (2014–2019) Online

When Vanessa recovers from her ordeal, she believes she knows where Mina is to be found: the Grand Guignol theater where she saw the play. Sir Malcolm prepares for their visit to the theater that night by arming himself with a newly designed weapon. They come face to face with the evil they have been searching for all of this time. Brona is on her deathbed and Frankenstein offers to take care of the body. Vanessa tells Dorian Gray there can be nothing between them despite the obvious attraction they have toward one another. Calibas is fired from the theater and returns to Frankenstein's laboratory. Ethan's past catches up to him.
Episode cast overview, first billed only:
Reeve Carney Reeve Carney - Dorian Gray
Timothy Dalton Timothy Dalton - Sir Malcolm Murray
Eva Green Eva Green - Vanessa Ives
Rory Kinnear Rory Kinnear - The Creature
Billie Piper Billie Piper - Brona Croft
Danny Sapani Danny Sapani - Sembene
Harry Treadaway Harry Treadaway - Dr. Victor Frankenstein
Josh Hartnett Josh Hartnett - Ethan Chandler
Alun Armstrong Alun Armstrong - Vincent Brand
Henry Goodman Henry Goodman - Priest
Olivia Llewellyn Olivia Llewellyn - Mina Harker
Hannah Tointon Hannah Tointon - Maud Gunneson
Stephen Lord Stephen Lord - Warren Roper
Helen McCrory Helen McCrory - Madame Kali
Julian Black Antelope Julian Black Antelope - Mr. Kidd

The pistol that Sir Malcolm purchases is a Mauser C-96, (broomhandle Mauser) which was modified and used to great effect as Hans Solo's pistol in Star Wars.

User reviews



I only watched this show because of "Eva Green" who is probably one of the most talented and yet underrated actors working in Film today. I had no idea what it was about and didn't even read any reviews on it either but from the first episode I was really impressed with the cast, production, and direction of this show. To take classic iconic characters like "Frankenstein", "Dorian Grey" and juxtapose them in a setting to serve a story is probably one of the most creative aspect of this show to say the least. Creator John Logan has taken a different stab with this genre; it is more about character, dialogue and atmosphere; the backdrop of London really compliments it. The story is more focused on mystery and its characters than cheap thrills of mundane action with blood and gore.

I personally have no interest in any Vampire shows, there is an excess of them in both movies and television. This show really surprised me because it didn't make that to be the center of its theme. It's hard to compare this show to anything, it's unique in it's story telling and it's about a ensemble of characters whom all have some trouble secret and inner conflict in their lives; yet their friendship is what unites them. I was really surprised of the sexual encounter between "Dorian Gray" and "Ethan Chandler" in one of the episode yet it really added a layer to how unpredictable the show is. I have seen almost every version of "Dorian Gray" but this actor (Reeve Carney)is probably the among the best to play this role.

This is probably one of the best casting, rich intelligent dialogue shows I have seen in years in a TV show. It really takes you back to classic TV shows where it feels like a theater; it's the actors who elevate the show with their performances. Eva Green's performance in the second episode was just outstanding and she really is the center point of the show, but I feel almost everyone in the show is just superb. There is a unique atmosphere to this show, it's mystery is not to scare you but maybe to question you and draw you more to its characters.

Characters like Frankenstein's monster are developed into deeper people, his quest and need for love and acceptance is almost like the opposite of Dorian Gray's avoidance to feel something but yet he wants the experience to love. Ms. Ives demon inside is a mirror of her inner turmoil for her guilt of past as is Chandler's demon Werewolf whom hides inside of him as his self-loathing for his own secret past. Frankenstein's defiance to God and religion is to prove it wrong with his own found science to give life but the irony is his turmoil of his actions. These are troubled people who carry a sense of pain and guilt inside them and seek redemption in their own quest; they crossover from the traditional fiction.

Tonight's last episode was great and how it ended was well suited to the show's pace. It was not some cliff hanger, the quest to find Mina ended, what direction the show takes in the second season is really unknown and that's what makes this show compelling !


Completely Batshit. Leading to this grand finale, chasing the daughter throughout the entire season in every extreme of those many lengths employed. Committing to capturing, or ending that vampire. No. Sadly already had a daughter. The smallest duration of this episode attention is paid on topic. Having another master even though that one had got staked, not the dreaded bride to be. Marrying itself? The bridesmaids had all but disappeared.

Frankenstein monster thinking has to be a girl, to get a girl. This doesn't work out, getting the sack, please fire already. Not quite. Vampires have now made the theatre their lair. Somebody popped miss Croft's fun bags, taking her breath away, although her nostrils are clearly flinching from Lycan Bo. Frankenstein's monster finally gets an orange in the form of zombie bride once reflated.

Black is definitely not Grey, bringing out the worse feelings when not previously fully exorcised by a bisexual, gunslinger, werewolf, priest. So instead she tries nunnery, knowledge is power when cloistering that dreaded demon bride.

Unfortunately the big game Hunter's expedition back to the continent is cancelled, Tarzan is now London residing as a Werewolf.

NO NO NOOOOOOOOOO! I can't understand a word of it......