» » Men from Up the Stairs (2006)

Men from Up the Stairs (2006) Online

Men from Up the Stairs (2006) Online
Original Title :
Men from Up the Stairs
Genre :
Movie / Animation / Short
Year :
Directror :
David Firth
Writer :
David Firth
Type :
Rating :
Men from Up the Stairs (2006) Online

This is a cartoon about men that come from up stairs.
Credited cast:
David Firth David Firth

User reviews



The ultimate film to proof that, although we may not understand symbolic art at first, it ultimately all makes sense in the end.

The film is basically a really clever attempt at shrouding a very simplistic scenario. It is wrapped in metaphors and symbols, so it's not immediately recognizable and very confusing at first. All it takes to unravel the mystery is one simple word: poo.

Now watch the film again.