» » Verbotene Liebe Machtprobe (1995– )

Verbotene Liebe Machtprobe (1995– ) Online

Verbotene Liebe Machtprobe (1995– ) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
TV Episode / Drama / Romance
Year :
Directror :
Wolfgang Münstermann,Jurij Neumann
Cast :
Janina Isabell Batoly,Henrike Fehrs,Wolfram Grandezka
Writer :
Franziska Fuchs,Joachim Braner
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Verbotene Liebe Machtprobe (1995– ) Online

Andi wants to resolve his Alexa dilemma quickly, as he must now lie to Bella and isn't sure to get paid. Having to bail out on a weekend, he sooths her by organizing a romantic 'indoor camping' instead, but she gets suspicious after finding in his pocket the bill for a new cellphone, actually for Alexa to contact a millionaire in Brazil to put her up and pay Andi. Hesitantly and ignoring the will falsification, Elisabeth accepts being named Hagen's successor, to the three actual candidates' dismay. As an 'example', Ansgar is shortly moved out of his castle suite in his bathrobe.
Episode cast overview, first billed only:
Janina Isabell Batoly Janina Isabell Batoly - Bella Jacob
Henrike Fehrs Henrike Fehrs - Alexa Berg
Wolfram Grandezka Wolfram Grandezka - Ansgar von Lahnstein
Jens Hartwig Jens Hartwig - Tristan von Lahnstein
Tatjana Kästel Tatjana Kästel - Rebecca von Lahnstein
Christoph Kottenkamp Christoph Kottenkamp - Frank Helmke
Miriam Lahnstein Miriam Lahnstein - Tanja von Lahnstein
Gabriele Metzger Gabriele Metzger - Charlie Schneider
Nicole Mieth Nicole Mieth - Kim Wolf
Christoph Mory Christoph Mory - Hagen von Lahnstein
Philipp Oehme Philipp Oehme - Thore Hellström
Sascha Pederiva Sascha Pederiva - Sascha Vukovic
Kim Riedle Kim Riedle - Giselle Schulz
Dominic Saleh-Zaki Dominic Saleh-Zaki - Andi Fritzsche
Sebastian Schlemmer Sebastian Schlemmer - Sebastian von Lahnstein