» » Black Guy on a Rampage (2011)

Black Guy on a Rampage (2011) Online

Black Guy on a Rampage (2011) Online
Original Title :
Black Guy on a Rampage
Genre :
Movie / Short / Action / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Christopher Burns Jr.
Cast :
Annmarie Bahny,Richey Clark,Timothy Dugan
Writer :
Janeen Avery,Adam R. Steigert
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Black Guy on a Rampage (2011) Online

A quiet Sunday night at Rightman's Bar and Restaurant when "he" walks in, a black ex-military man carrying a military issued duffel bag. He appears to be unemployed, homeless and dirty. As his origins become clearer, his anger begins to fuel when he realizes he has entered the same restaurant where one of the men responsible for the death of his son is eating.
Credited cast:
Annmarie Bahny Annmarie Bahny - Alexa
Richey Clark Richey Clark - Beer Drinker 2
Timothy Dugan Timothy Dugan - Frankie
John Fleming John Fleming - The Loner
Eric Haaf Eric Haaf - Beer Drinker 1
Mike Howard Mike Howard - The Cook
Patrick Mallette Patrick Mallette - David
Alexander S. McBryde Alexander S. McBryde - The Black Guy
Mark Mendola Mark Mendola - Fred
Michael O'Hear Michael O'Hear - Clarence

The role of "Devin" in the film "The Final Night and Day" inspired Director Adam R Steigert to make this film.

Director Adam R Steigert would only consider one actor for the lead role, and if Alexander Sloan McBryde hadn't taken it, he would never have made the film.

Most of Alexander Sloan McBryde's wardrobe is borrowed from "The Final Night and Day".

This was the first film that Phill Beith and Jill Jovic did all the makeup for.

User reviews



I saw this not expecting much from a low budget, indie production. I was blown away! Visually, it was stunning. Great sets, angles, lighting and use of color. Some of the acting seemed forced (murphy, mcbride(only a bit at times), wroblewski) and was mumbled, but it did not detract from the film. I would file this under "Grindhouse" and with that title, a great deal of sub-par acting is forgiven. wonderful idea and well executed. I have only recently started following any of the movies by this company, but i will be keeping my eyes open from now on. I could get into some specific things (or actors) I was not a fan of, but I will just encourage people to see and judge for themselves. Overall - it is worth the quick watch.


I am the kinda girl first of all that roots for Frankensteins monster.I believe that he was completely misunderstood. Not that i am saying that Black Guy is a monster, i am saying he is my hero. I can completely understand his rage and pain. His pain for his child's death sends him thru a rage that one can only imagine and he must avenge the death. my question is once he has completed his mission of rage, revenge and blood shed will he be complete? The cast was amazing, loved them all so much. Alexander Sloan McBride as the black guy was a fabulous choice. I was on the edge of my seat, biting my nails. If you like blood, you will love this movie as there is plenty of it. oh and that fred guy , he is one of my favorite characters


After seeing this movie I can't wait to see what other tasty projects come from this little studio. This little studio from Hamburg NY has big things in its future that I can't wait to see I am hooked on Indie films now because of Deftone. Every movie I have seen from this studio just gets better and better you can tell they are working out the bugs as they go. There are not to many good horror flicks being put out by major studio's so going Indie is the only way to get back to how horror was back in the day. Deftone's movies bring back to the days of Toxic Avenger and Raw Head Rex. I hear Deftone's next release Ombis is going to take indie film making to a new level taking us back to a time when SYFY was good and not a cheesy movie called Sharkapous ate my mother (just making fun of the crap that has been put on SYFY). Keep your eyes on these guys!