» » Dominator (2003)

Dominator (2003) Online

Dominator (2003) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Animation / Comedy / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Tony Luke
Cast :
Seera Backhouse,Doug Bradley,Alex Cox
Writer :
Alan Grant
Type :
Time :
1h 15min
Rating :
Dominator (2003) Online

After a civil war in Hell, Lucifer has been defeated and the Key to Hell is in Lord Desecrater's grasp. However, the rebellious Dominator has his own thoughts and keeps the Key to Hell away from Lord Desecrater and is forced to fight off his forces including three other demons - Decimator, Extricator and Lady Violator. While on Earth, undertaker and exocrist Dr. Payne is in charge of London's dead. His three daughters who play in their own rockband called Crowcut, accidentally open a gateway to Hell by invoking black magi-ck into their music via the Lost Chord and unleash Dominator. Luckily for humanity, Dominator is willing to defend mankind, even if he is only interested in Dr. Payne's eldest daughter, Tara. When Desecrater learns of what has happened on Earth, he seeks out help using his new human agent - the corrupt politician Bishop, to carry out the rest of his deeds.
Credited cast:
Seera Backhouse Seera Backhouse - Hellkatt (voice)
Doug Bradley Doug Bradley - Dr. Payne / Lord Desecrator (voice)
Alex Cox Alex Cox - Bishop (voice)
Dani Filth Dani Filth - Dominator (voice)
Liza Goddard Liza Goddard - Fina Payne (voice)
Tara Harley Tara Harley - Tara Payne (voice)
Ingrid Pitt Ingrid Pitt - Lady Violator (voice)
Marc Riley Marc Riley - Decimator (voice)
Sarn Synthetic Sarn Synthetic - Molly Payne (voice)

This is the first movie of its kind to be made on an Apple Mac with just a few simple 3D design and animation programs, and is also Britain's first-ever CGI movie.

This movie was made in Poser and Bryce 5.

Was originally planned in 2000 to be a downloadable episodic series with characters built on Cinema 4D, Poser and Lightwave (3D design and animation applications), but production stopped when director Tony Luke was diagnosed with a form of lung cancer. Having survived cancer, Tony Luke was presented with a deal to make Dominator a feature movie for the Sci-Fi channel and because of its roots as a manga, it was wrongly classed as anime by them. With only limited time and an extremely strict deadline, only so much work was put into the movie, meaning that visuals were 'blown up' and so many things such as textures could not be reworked.

User reviews



This is the worst thing I have ever seen. With such sterling involvement, Tony Luke must be the force that turned what should have been great into this festering lump. It should be removed from IMDb because it just doesn't qualify as a movie. Shame on Bradley! Even after dire hellraiser sequels, he is still a talent, and one utterly squandered here and used to put bums on seats simply through that vaulted connection. Only a cabbage would like this flick, and only a lobotomized cabbage would even consider the concept of making a sequel unless they were trying to beat this as the worst contribution to film ever made.


I assume that this is the same film that I saw last year at it's preview in Brighton as it had the same actors and the same name.

However they must have added some new scenes as the film that I saw had Mark and Lardy (why? - their talents were wasted) and music by Killing Mode and other Brighton based bands.

At the preview, I was first surprised to see that the audience consisted of only regulars from the local rock clubs. After making enquires, I found out that it was because there were people in the Brighton 'Rock Scene' who had been associated with the film. Everyone there knew someone who had something to do with this film (including me) so you would have thought that the audience would have been biased towards liking it...or even just polite about it to save their mates' feelings?

Nah, it was that bad, people were walking out throughout the whole thing. I never fall asleep during films, but I had trouble keeping awake it was so boring. Unfortunately I could not say the same for most of the audience as you could hear snoring throughout the whole cinema.

The animation was sooooo poor. I've seen better graphics on a Nintendo (i'm talking SNES NOT Game cube!), the story line was non existant and I've seen better acting on an episode of Sunset Beach.

Please do not waste your time watching this - even if you are the biggest Cradle of Filth fan. I can't look at Dani Filth now without laughing out loud.

At this preview some of the cast were there - Doug Bradley (from such films as Hellraiser, Hellraiser 2, Hellraiser 3 Hellra...oh all of the other Hellraiser films - get the feeling he is typecast as Pinhead?!) and Ingrid Pitt. I don't think that they noticed that everyone there was moaning about the film as there are rumours of a sequel. Why??

I can honestly say that I have never seen such a bad film in all of my life. You would have to pay me to watch it again, it's that bad.


This is one of those movies you need to watch with a few buddies and a few drinks. The animations is awful and the story's far beyond stupid but that's the whole point! To enjoy it just don't take it seriously, yes it does look like it was programmed on an Amiga 600 but if the animation looked high quality it would loose it comedy edge.

I look at this film as a satire of manga movies. It obviously was the result of a few friends just getting together making a film that they think would be funny, to hell with what anyone else thinks.

Watch it, the dialogue is so bad it's simply hilarious and listen for the guest voices of mark and lard from radio land.

'A must for any English Goth'


Someone, somewhere, punished me the day I rented this.. thing.

In a nutshell: It's a feature-length coffee commercial which thinks it's the bee's knees. It is that awful.

I can forgive it looking like a high-school project gone wrong, that really isn't the issue, the problem is that it's so busy trying to be deliberately bad, it ends up being genuinely bad in every sense. Every voice actor on it seemed smug about their involvement, the sound quality was lamentable, it was BORING in the extreme.

There's little more to say, my dismay forced me to remove this insult to my wit from the DVD player after mere minutes, I've seen 'real life' stories that probably have a smaller budget completely blow this out of the water.

If the idea of this movie appeals, please go ahead and resent the money you wasted. Perhaps it'll go some way to repaying the poor, wretched publisher who allowed this thing onto DVD in the first place. I'd give it a zero rating if I could.


It was not as if I wasn't in the right mindset or that I was determined to hate it. In both cases that was far from the truth. I actually did want to like Dominator somewhat knowing next to nothing about it, and I did watch it with my flatmates at university(who I get along with brilliantly) with a fair bit of wine. But even in that mindset, all of us hated Dominator and felt somewhat angry that it was as bad as it was. The visuals are all flat, blocky and utterly slipshod, while the music had no nostalgic warmth, everything just felt slapped together and there for the sake of it with no regard with what was going on. It is not entirely to blame, as the dialogue is hilariously diabolical, cheesy enough to make all ten of your toes curl, and the story is paper thin- to the extent you wonder whether there is one- and senseless. The characters have absolutely no development or likability to them, while the acting is smug and lifeless more often than not, even from Dani Filth who tries hard but ends up over-compensating.

Overall, truly awful, one of the worst movies I've ever seen. 0/10 Bethany Cox


Now, Dominator is something that has garnered negative and positive results, but in 2006 with a new Dominator movie just around the corner, you can't deny that it has been successful. Originating from a history of Metal Hammer comics and top-running manga, Dominator is a genuine series and is gaining strength over time.

The Dominator movie of 2003 is a hellish festival of Rock n' Roll references, Heavy Metal, British humour, all-round-cheesiness and overall insanity that makes it a fantastic piece of British cinema; hate it or love it, this is one monstrous movie.

Alan Grant's script is made of some truly mad stuff and it goes so well for this type of movie; badass monster rockstars swinging samurai swords about and blowing up skeletons with electricity while fighting (and shagging) buxom ladies. It's all great fun and the visuals aid this.

Don't get me wrong, in terms of CGI movies Dominator has done nothing to push the category any further and even though it was made in 2003, the programs used to make it are now primitive and in some cases ruin the experience, but nonetheless it works well with this type of movie. Plus, I can't blame Renga Media as, after all, it was made on a tiny budget - this sort of movies can't really be criticised for their obvious shortcomings, but a huge budget movie using terrible special effects is something that should be criticised. Plus, it has made Dominator stand out.

The cast is made up of a good list of stars, such as Ingrid Pitt and Doug Bradley. Dani Filth is insanely fitting for his role, but sometimes he just overdoes it and you can tell he's spitting when he says "power". If anything, Tara Harley is someone who isn't very good, but she did extremely well at sounding bitter at discovering Dominator's little sin with her sister.

This is an unbelievable piece of cinema, and Renga Media will ensure you will never look at CGI the same way again, but be warned that this is something not for everyone.
Light out of Fildon

Light out of Fildon

Dude! Watched this movie for the first time today at the request of a good friend. At first I was a bit skeptical but damn was I wrong. Moments after mounting the DVD into my player I realized this would be the most incredible theatrical piece of art to grace my television screen for years to come. Seriously, how do they get these amazing effects?! I mean on the back of the box it did say they use stunning visuals and intense action scenes but I had no idea it would be this freaking amazing. I would have to give the overall voice acting a 25 out of 10! With amazing vocal talent such as Danni Filth, Ingrid Pitt, and Doug Bradley, how could you possibly go wrong? Story line was well driven through and through. Not once did I find myself even slightly confused as to the motive of then story, nor was i compelled to turn it off and watch great smut instead. The story was a well-weaved, beautiful masterpiece of intelligent British comedy, incredible action, and cunning linguistics. I will end this review by stating that everyone and their friends go out and buy this movie as it is well worth the $20.00 price tag. Once again i said buy! not rent. These people poured their souls into this movie for 18 months and produced something truly unrivaled by many of todays top Hollywood studios, so if you have any respect whatsoever for the film industry as a whole, please, buy this movie! On a side note I would like to add that if anyone currently reading this review is interested in creating such incredible effects as done in this film, it is very well within your grasp. Simply walk to the nearest toilet, take a seat (preferrably with some reading material, as you will be at this for 18 months or longer), and pour your soul into it... through your ass.


So bad its good, but then so bad its bad again.

Without a doubt the worst film of all time.

Think VR troopers but lower budget.

I had to turn it off after 20 minutes, EVEN though i love cheesy films, satires and badly made films. Its just too bad for words.

EVERYTHING is horrible, plot, characters, animation, backgrounds, special effects. I make better things in flash in about 10 minutes. I don't think anyone will ever make a film that bores me as quickly as this.

Four of us (19 yr old students who love films like star ship troopers 2, hercules in new york and derailed/cyborg (yes the van damme films) who were all drunk watched it. NONE of us made it more than 25 minutes into the film......... Enough said.


Well.... I was disappointed with it to begin with! The whole film is not done as animie / manga, but instead done with CGI that doesn't even rival the graphics of a Playstation one. The acting was poor and come to think of it, the graphics are slightly worse than those of the "Transformers Energon"(at least I think that was the name of it) Series on TV which was also all CGI.

On the back of the DVD box it was saying things like mind blowing special effects and that there would be great fight scenes in it. The fight scenes look like a cheap CGI rip off of Dragonball Z fight scenes. Mark and Lard were the only redeeming features.

The film however does boast a CGI Sex Scene! Yes that's right!!!111 pwned. You haven't seen a thing until you see this poorly done scene, which wants me to cry in sheer embarrassment that I paid to buy this DVD...

Nonetheless it is still worth a watch for the laugh and cringe factor and it stirred a fighting spirit in this Norseman's blood... So I listened to some crazy fight music after it....

It's still a great watch but you must, I repeat must watch it with friends... If you don't do that then you will be very upset.


Plot: Dr. Payne and his assistant Sidney are in charge of making sure corpses aren't re-animated as zombies.

However, Dr. Payne's three daughters, Tara, Fina & Molly, play in a rockband called Crowcut, and during a rehearsal one night they learn to play the Lost Chord, which unfortunately for Earth opens up a dimensional gateway. In Hell, Dominator is killing some skeletons until the gateway opens up behind him. He, his horny demon friend Shagg, and some skeletal warriors are sucked up by the gateway (the visuals in this scene are very impressive).

So, Dominator ends up on Earth and already he begins to cause some terror. He threatens the very life out of the already unlucky Sidney and Shagg has his way with Molly's legs, and then the skeletons emerge from the gateway. As Dominator kills them off, he also does a lot of damage to Dr. Payne's mansion.

The next day, Dominator explains a bit of history and demands he's sent back to Hell. However, his ex-girlfriend Lady Violator and the idiotic Decimator & Extricator have been sent up from Hell to bring Dominator back. But the big demon guy doesn't cooperate, and it ends with one big battle in London and its Big Ben that suffers.

There's a lot more stuff to do the movie and I highly recommend it to fans of guerilla animation and Heavy Metal. The cast includes Dani Filth, Doug Bradley, Ingrid Pitt, Mark & Lard, Alex Cox, Liza Goddard, Tara Harley, Sarn Synthetic, Billie Godfrey, Doug Devaney, Seera Backhouse and Mandy Gilholme. The DVD is also very good, featuring a gallery that has scans from the original Japanese manga, rendered images, fan art and artwork from the creator (Tony Luke), some interviews and music videos.

One of my all-time favourite movies.