» » Breaking Out (2010)

Breaking Out (2010) Online

Breaking Out (2010) Online
Original Title :
Breaking Out
Genre :
Movie / Short / Action / Drama / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Kevin Barile
Cast :
David Clennon,Tony Salantri,Adam Sandroni
Writer :
Kevin Barile,Kevin Barile
Type :
Time :
Rating :

Ryan must escape his imprisonment and save his only buddy Benny before he suffers an unthinkable fate.

Breaking Out (2010) Online

A prisoner who is highly trained in the art of combat must break out of his cell, fight the guards and rescue his best friend, Benny, from the mysterious people holding them hostage before they both suffer an inevitable death.
Credited cast:
David Clennon David Clennon - Boss
Tony Salantri Tony Salantri - Ryan
Adam Sandroni Adam Sandroni - Benny
Johnny Yang Johnny Yang - Head Guard

Writer and director Kevin Barile also designed all of the fight sequences in the film and can be seen being thrown onto his back in the five on one fight scene against Tony Salantri in the boiler room fight.

The films was shot in only 18 hours (total set time).