» » Roadway for Strays (2010)

Roadway for Strays (2010) Online

Roadway for Strays (2010) Online
Original Title :
Roadway for Strays
Genre :
Movie / Short / Action / Crime / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Danny Donahue
Cast :
Dolan Personke,Rory Schulte,Lou Morris
Writer :
Danny Donahue
Type :
Time :
Rating :

In 1930s America two brothers, having fallen into the ruthless lifestyle of gangsters, hide out in the woods while on the run from agents of the FBI. With the Feds moving in, they are ... See full summary

Roadway for Strays (2010) Online

In 1930s America two brothers, having fallen into the ruthless lifestyle of gangsters, hide out in the woods while on the run from agents of the FBI. With the Feds moving in, they are forced to make the life changing choice between fighting to the end or giving themselves up.
Cast overview:
Dolan Personke Dolan Personke - Eugene
Rory Schulte Rory Schulte - Howard
Lou Morris Lou Morris - Agent #1
Frank Donahue Frank Donahue - Agent #2
J.R. Cox J.R. Cox - Agent #3