Judged by Higher Power (1911) Online

Judging from his friendly attentions toward her, Josie Harcourt is deceived in the belief that Howard Morgan is in love with her, whereas the true object of his attendance is her elder sister, Judith. This is sadly made known to her when Howard purposes to present a diamond ring to his fiancé. In holding out her finger for the ring, as he shows it to her, Josie receives a severe shock when the young man laughingly informs her that it is meant for Judith. She retires hysterically to her room, beset with bewildered and suffering spirits, which arouse thoughts of vengeance toward her rival. Howard's parents are in full accord with their son's choice and therefore extend a visit to Judith's home, bringing their family jewels along with the object of offering Judith the privilege of a choice in them. This presents an opportunity to Josie, who appropriates one and secretes the jewel in her sister's hat. Shortly after their departure, the loss of the jewel is noted and Howard is dispatched ...
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