» » Oh, My God! (2008)

Oh, My God! (2008) Online

Oh, My God! (2008) Online
Original Title :
Oh, My God!
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Rako Prijanto
Cast :
Desta Club 80s,Deddy Mahendra Desta,Maia Estianty
Writer :
Key Mangunsong,Raditya
Type :
Rating :
Oh, My God! (2008) Online

Credited cast:
Desta Club 80s Desta Club 80s
Deddy Mahendra Desta Deddy Mahendra Desta - (as Desta Clubeighties)
Maia Estianty Maia Estianty
Ringgo Agus Rahman Ringgo Agus Rahman
Revalina S. Temat Revalina S. Temat

User reviews



Rako Prijanto has shown with one of his first movies, that he actually can make a decent comedy. It might not be revolutionary, but it is watchable. D'bijis had some decent slapstick and was mildly involving.

It is quite astonishing that the same person could actually direct this Dumb and Dumber-type movie, but without any laughs. Didn't really involve me enough to want to watch the whole thing. Plotwise a young school-boy slash up-and-coming karooke singer is madly in love with the local hottie. Unfortunately she knows nothing of his existence and he isn't even invited to her birthday party. Or something like that.
