» » Thuis Episode #12.42 (1995– )

Thuis Episode #12.42 (1995– ) Online

Thuis Episode #12.42 (1995– ) Online
Original Title :
Episode #12.42
Genre :
TV Episode / Action / Drama / Comedy
Year :
Cast :
Kurt Defrancq,Christel Domen,Pol Goossen
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Thuis Episode #12.42 (1995– ) Online

Sofie comes clean to Eric and Martine about everything she has done in the past. They forgive her as long as she stays of the drugs and Eric concludes it will be all right in the future between him and Martine also. Werner and Martine on the other hand present their plans for the Fit & Fun to Luc. Eva wants to find new work. Mathilde teaches Eva to knit. Sandrine explains her private situation to Marie. The men ask Luc for a day off, because they don't dare to ask Marie. Luc gives them the day off. Marie is already stressed out over the hotel project and Luc tries to stress her out even more. He believes it won't be long now before she cracks.
Episode credited cast:
Kurt Defrancq Kurt Defrancq - Eric Bastiaens
Christel Domen Christel Domen - Martine Bastiaens-Lefever
Pol Goossen Pol Goossen - Frank Bomans
Marleen Merckx Marleen Merckx - Simonne Bomans-Backx
Annick Segal Annick Segal - Rosa Verbeeck
Lien Van de Kelder Lien Van de Kelder - Sofie Bastiaens
Patsy Van der Meeren Patsy Van der Meeren - Marie Van Goethem
Vanya Wellens Vanya Wellens - Femke Fierens
Mark Willems Mark Willems - Luc Bomans