» » The Wild Wild West The Night of Sudden Death (1965–1969)

The Wild Wild West The Night of Sudden Death (1965–1969) Online

The Wild Wild West The Night of Sudden Death (1965–1969) Online
Original Title :
The Night of Sudden Death
Genre :
TV Episode / Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi / Thriller / Western
Year :
Directror :
William Witney
Cast :
Robert Conrad,Ross Martin,Robert Loggia
Writer :
Oliver Crawford,Michael Garrison
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
The Wild Wild West The Night of Sudden Death (1965–1969) Online

Black clad men clamber over each other and up the wall to a high window, entering the United States Mint at Carson City. They plant a bomb and leave without taking any of the money. Jim West and Artemus Gordon must learn why they broken in and who masterminded the plot before economic chaos overtakes the United States.
Episode complete credited cast:
Robert Conrad Robert Conrad - Jim West
Ross Martin Ross Martin - Artemus Gordon
Robert Loggia Robert Loggia - Warren Trevor
Antoinette Bower Antoinette Bower - Janet Coburn
Sandy Kenyon Sandy Kenyon - Hugo
Julie Payne Julie Payne - Corinne Foxx
Joel Fluellen Joel Fluellen - Chief Vonoma
Harlan Warde Harlan Warde - Foxx
Elisa Ingram Elisa Ingram - Cosette

In the restaurant, Artemus mentions the smell of Prussic acid. This is an old term for hydrogen cyanide, the well-known poison. This term came about because hydrogen cyanide was first isolated from a dye known as Prussian Blue.