» » Ore ore (2013)

Ore ore (2013) Online

Ore ore (2013) Online
Original Title :
Ore ore
Genre :
Movie / Comedy / Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Satoshi Miki
Cast :
Kazuya Kamenashi,Yuki Uchida,Ryo Kase
Writer :
Tomoyuki Hoshino,Satoshi Miki
Type :
Time :
1h 59min
Rating :
Ore ore (2013) Online

Guess what can happen when you pretend you are someone else. You could be replaced by a clone when you clone someone else. Then there could be more clones and they could be everywhere. Then others recognize the clones instead of recognizing you and the clones are the originals and the originals are cast aside. It multiplies from there.
Credited cast:
Kazuya Kamenashi Kazuya Kamenashi - Hitoshi nagano
Yuki Uchida Yuki Uchida - Sayaka
Ryo Kase Ryo Kase - Tajima (as Ryô Kase)
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Ai Aita Ai Aita
Hitomi Amakawa Hitomi Amakawa
Kôta Ehara Kôta Ehara
Miho Fukuda Miho Fukuda
Toru Fukushima Toru Fukushima
Eri Fuse Eri Fuse
Miho Harita Miho Harita
Ryô Iwamatsu Ryô Iwamatsu
Daisuke Katô Daisuke Katô
Midoriko Kimura Midoriko Kimura
Takahiro Kitamura Takahiro Kitamura
Kinako Kobayashi Kinako Kobayashi

User reviews



5.9???!!! Are you kidding me??? This deserves at least an 8. So glad I watched this first before looking at reviews because I would've missed out on an incredible film. The story is very original and revolves around some young dropout who works at an electronics store instead of following his passion as a photographer. One day he steals the phone of a stranger and calls the strangers mom pretending to be her son to send him a huge some of money. In japan this type of scam is common as people will call elderly people and say it's me it's me in hopes they think they're some relative calling and then ask them to wire money. Surprisingly the mom falls for it and sends the money. However, what happens next day is when his life turn upside down. His mom doesn't recognize him anymore and the strangers mom is now his mom! What's more an exact clone has replaced him and is living with his mom. Confusing I know but not really when you watch it. Soon with another student clone they form a group with their own hideout. For a while all is fun and games as you can imagine in the company of your own clones what with the same mentality and mentality they get along like bros. But soon all different types of clones start popping up everywhere and thinks start to get crazier when they start to get deleted and our protagonist must not only survive this mass deletion but also not lose his own identity as confusion is inevitable. I loved this concept of clones because there were a lot of deeper meanings as he started to see people he knew become his clones and in a way how we see parts of ourselves in others. Some parts of us we accept and others we reject. I thought everything about this movie was brilliant from the direction to the actors especially the main actor because he played all those different clones with such skill. The movie was also hilarious but in a smart way. From start to finish this movie is a rare gem in today's endless sea of borefests. If you're the type who like mainstream crap then unfortunately this isn't for you. But if your brain has been begging for some stimulation then this is your movie.
Nothing personal

Nothing personal

Viewed on Streaming. CGI/effects = nine (9) stars; subtitles = five (5) stars; music = three (3) stars. Director Satoshi Miki takes the old saying "you're one in a million" (which means if you live in Tokyo there could be 12-13 just like you?) and surrealistically explores what could happen if "you're 20-30 in a million" and the count keeps going up! How this comes about is never explained, but seems to be related to an identity-theft phone scam (still prevalent in Japan that targets parents and, especially, grandparents) gone really bad where the scammer becomes the scammed. Tossed into the plot is the population control mechanism of "deletion" whereby "Me" organic duplicates start to kill off one another. Miki's feeble attempts to inject slapstick humor fall flat (although the actresses and actors seem to be giving it their best shots). Otherwise the Director relies on irony for sort-of-successful attempts at black "humor." Lead actor Kazuya Kamenashi plays virtually all 25 or so character parts (closing credits claim over 30), but most are brief Cameos and Walk Ons. Actresses steal virtually every scene they are in and provide a much needed counter presence to Kamenashi being just about everywhere on screen. Cinematography (semi-wide screen, color, hand-held) and lighting are good. Digital effects are outstanding for such a modest film. Multiple "Me's" really look convincing even in well-lit scenes. Subtitles are often too long given their on-screen flash rates. Some dialog is not translated. Lyrics are not subtitled. Synthesized music demonstrate the limitations of this approach. Often film scores are first created on a synthesizer and then transcribed for orchestra. Perhaps the budget ran out before the score could be migrated? A so-so movie. WILLIAM FLANIGAN, PhD.


-could be many personalities of oneself?; alter egos; clones?; the way that others see you; what s your own personality? The idea of the script , though somewhat chaotic , is good ; however, it is not treated deeply and left only a movie to pass the time . There are some parts that are successfully achieved, like when the waitress confused the delivery of french fries with the other self and then stares at him without knowing what to do ; or when the protagonist girl finds him with another clone and knows who s who. It is a mixture of comedy , light J-horror pop and a film for TV ... with a final moral , that if your "good" side did it wrong, you can accept the error to try to fix it, then you can generate a new reality or have another chance.