Hippolytus, the handsome son of Theseus, the great legendary hero of the Greeks, is beloved by all the women. His father's second wife, Phaedra, is also charmed by his magnificent looks. He... See full summary
Phèdre (1910) Online

Hippolytus, the handsome son of Theseus, the great legendary hero of the Greeks, is beloved by all the women. His father's second wife, Phaedra, is also charmed by his magnificent looks. He, terrified, spurns her, and in his rage treats her roughly. Theseus, who has been at the wars for some years, returns a conqueror, and is met by his son and together they proceed in triumph to their home. Here Phaedra, thinking to be avenged on Hippolytus for his treatment of her, informs Theseus that in his absence Hippolytus had made love to her. Theseus, enraged, curses his son and banishes him from Athens. Hippolytus accordingly starts off in his chariot drawn by three fiery horses. His course is directed along the seashore, but Poseidon, the god of the Mediterranean, in accordance with the curse of Theseus devoting his son to destruction, causes a wave to dash up and frighten his horses, who bolt, with the result that the chariot is overturned and Hippolytus is killed. The crowd, who quickly ...
Released in the US as a split reel along with De Belgische karabiniers op de fiets (1910).