Tiny Tim's latest singing partnership is concerned with one "Singing Bird," an itinerant Caruso of sparse build and erring locks, whose throaty voice is tinged with adenoids, and who ... See full summary
The Tiny Troubadour (1913) Online

Tiny Tim's latest singing partnership is concerned with one "Singing Bird," an itinerant Caruso of sparse build and erring locks, whose throaty voice is tinged with adenoids, and who warbles duets with Tim, to the latter's accompaniment on the beloved guitar. We discover this harmonious pair of strolling musicians in the back yard of a tenement block, when they have just concluded a rendition of "Poor Wandering One," and judging from the shower of pennies they collect, it would seem that they have a flourishing time. With sunset they return "Home" to a modest meal and well-earned repose. But "Singing Bird" is a grafter, and when Tim suggests a dividing of the day's receipts on a 50/50 basis, he is put off with a barefaced swindling proposition. Disgusted with this treatment, Tim decides to cancel the contract, and he makes his get-away in the dead of night, carrying the guitar with him. We see him picked up by a very undesirable acquaintance, taken to a rough saloon, and made to play ...
Original French title is undetermined.