» » Приключения Шаркбоя и Лавы в 3-D (2005)

Приключения Шаркбоя и Лавы в 3-D (2005) Online

Приключения Шаркбоя и Лавы в 3-D (2005) Online
Original Title :
The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl 3-D
Genre :
Movie / Action / Adventure / Comedy / Family / Fantasy / Sci-Fi
Year :
Directror :
Robert Rodriguez
Cast :
Cayden Boyd,George Lopez,Kristin Davis
Writer :
Robert Rodriguez,Marcel Rodriguez
Budget :
Type :
Time :
1h 33min
Rating :

A young boy is recruited by his imaginary friends Sharkboy and Lavagirl to help save their planet.

Приключения Шаркбоя и Лавы в 3-D (2005) Online

Max is a normal guy with a dreaming habit-making him a target for bullies. One day, he accidentally summons imaginary characters in his mind named sharkboy and lavagirl. They are his heroes who will defend him at all costs, but when they arrive for real, something unexpected happens, the 2 heroes need max to save their world from a dire threat
Cast overview, first billed only:
Taylor Lautner Taylor Lautner - Sharkboy
Taylor Dooley Taylor Dooley - Lavagirl
Cayden Boyd Cayden Boyd - Max
George Lopez George Lopez - Mr. Electric / Tobor / Ice Guardian / Mr. Electricidad
David Arquette David Arquette - Max's Dad
Kristin Davis Kristin Davis - Max's Mom
Jacob Davich Jacob Davich - Linus / Minus
Sasha Pieterse Sasha Pieterse - Marissa / Ice Princess
Rico Torres Rico Torres - Sharkboy's Dad
Marc Musso Marc Musso - Classroom Kid #1
Shane Graham Shane Graham - Classroom Kid #2
Tiger Darrow Tiger Darrow - Classroom Kid #3
Rocket Rodriguez Rocket Rodriguez - Lug
Racer Rodriguez Racer Rodriguez - Sharkboy, Age 7
Rebel Rodriguez Rebel Rodriguez - Sharkboy, Age 5

Taylor Lautner, ironically, has a fear of sharks.

The movie was shot and completed so quickly that by the time Robert Rodriguez was ready to ship it, the advertisements weren't finished.

The story was conceived by Robert Rodriguez's then seven-year-old son Racer Rodriguez, who receives an on-screen "Story By" credit. Max is named after Racer's middle name (Racer and Robert also provide the audio commentary for the DVD and Blu-ray together).

Taylor Lautner's martial arts skills helped him to obtain the role of Sharkboy. "When I auditioned for the film, Robert Rodriguez, the director, didn't know that I had my martial arts background, and while we there in Austin, TX he saw a DVD of me and asked me to choreograph my own fight scenes", said Lautner.

Alexa PenaVega was considered for the role of Lavagirl having previously worked with Robert Rodriguez on Spy Kids (2001).

Film debut of the following actors: Taylor Lautner, Taylor Dooley, and Sasha Pieterse.

The word "Dream" and its derivations are spoken 188 times: Dream(s) (165); Dreaming (9); Dreamt (8); Dreamer(s) (5); Dreamed (1).

George Lopez plays and voices 4 of the movie's characters.

Out of all the characters in Max's dream world (Cookie Giants, Minus, Mr. Electric, Ice Princess, Tobor), Sharkboy and Lavagirl are his only imagined characters with no real-world counterpart.

You can spot a paper bag, soda cup and a hamburger in the opening scene where Max is telling Sharkboy's past if you look close enough you can read the name on the bag and cup "Big Kahuna" a nod to Quentin Tarantino.

Tobor (the name for max's robot) is robot spelled backwards.

Taylor Lautner was the first actor to audition for the role of Sharkboy and was Robert Rodriguez' first and only choice for the role.

The face of the boy from the Troublemaker Studios logo can be seen as a design or sticker on the cover of Linus' binder in multiple scenes.

Around the time of the film's debut Rodriguez co-wrote a series of children's novels entitled Sharkboy and Lavagirl Adventures with acclaimed science fiction writer Chris Roberson. They include Book 1, The Day Dreamer, and Book 2, Return to Planet Drool, which announces that it will be continued in a third volume, Deep Sleep, which has yet to appear. They are illustrated throughout by Alex Toader, who designed characters and environments for the film and the previous Spy Kids franchise.

Robert Rodriguez appears in the credits fourteen times, most notably as director, a producer, a screenwriter (along with Marcel Rodriguez), visual effects supervisor, director of photography, editor, a camera operator, and a composer and performer.

Was Robert Rodriguez's most expensive film at a budget of $50 million until it was dethroned by Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) which cost $65 million.

Taylor Dooley had to dye her hair pink for the role of Lavagirl.

According to Lautner and Dooley, when filming the scene with the dream train, the front part of the train was an actual physical set piece: "The whole inside was there and when they have all the gadgets you can pull on, that was all there but everything else was a green screen," said Dooley.

Rodriguez wrote the part of Mr. Electricidad with Lopez in mind. This is a reference to his television series in which he also has a son named Max.

The Total Nonstop Action professional wrestler Dean Roll, who trademarked the name "Shark Boy" in 1999, sued Miramax on June 8, 2005, claiming that his trademark had been infringed and demanding "any money, profits and advantages wrongfully gained". In April 2007, the suit was settled for an disclosed amount of 200,000.

Eleven visual effects companies (Hybride Technologies, CafeFX, The Orphanage, Post Logic, Hydraulx, Industrial Light & Magic, R!ot Pictures, Tippett Studio, Amalgamated Pixels and Intelligent Creatures and Rodriguez's Texas-based Troublemaker Digital) worked on the film in order to accomplish over 1,000 visual effect shots.

Mr. Electricidad's name is literally Spanish for electricity.

Every character that appears in Max's dream world based on a person in his life is modeled after their defining trait. Cookie Giants who are based on his parents are based on their specialty of giant cookies. Ice Princess is based on his classmate Marissa who was always cold from sitting underneath the air conditioner. Mr. Electric and Minus are villainous characters due to Max's antagonistic relationship with Linus and Mr. Electricidad (more so with Linus).

Parts of the film were shot on location in Texas, where Max resides and goes to school in the film. Much of the film was shot in a studio against green screen. Most of the ships, landscapes and other effects including some creatures and characters, were accomplished digitally.

The film uses the same anaglyph 3-D technology used in Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003).

Max's parents are constantly seen fighting in the film, in the third act when they are fleeing from the tornado it is implied that they were on the verge of divorce as Max's mom says "I thought you wanted me gone?" to her husband and he confirms that he still loves her before she is sucked into the tornado only to be saved by Lavagirl. A factor that probably played into Max's obsession with his imagination as a way to cope.

Numerous clues are visible in Max's real world: Max eats shark-themed cereal, Mr. Electricidad wears a lightning bolt tie clip, Marissa wears snowflake earrings, classroom artwork depicts a shark, volcano, and planets.

Cate Blanchett were considered for the role of Max's Mom.

John Travolta were considered for the role of Max's Dad.

Forest Whitaker were considered for the role of Mr. Electricidad.

Christopher Walken were considered for the role of Mr. Electric.

In addition to having the same first name, stars Taylor Lautner and Taylor Dooley are also both from Michigan.

In the real life, Kristin Davis (Max's mom) is six years older than David Arquette (Max's dad).

When Max and Linus / Minus are having their dream battle, as Max summons a brain storm Linus / Minus flings one of the brains to the screen essentially breaking the fourth wall by having a brain quite literally hit the fourth wall.

James Gandolfini were considered for the role of Mr. Electric.

Danny Glover were considered for the role of Mr. Electricidad.

Iain Glen were considered for the role of Tobor.

Lorenzo Lamas were considered for the role of Tobor.

Helen Hunt were considered for the role of Max's Mom.

Christopher McDonald were considered for the role of Max's Dad.

Miley Cyrus had auditioned for the film with Taylor Lautner, and said it came down to her and Taylor Dooley for the role of Lavagirl, who was also auditioning; however Miley began production on Hannah Montana (2006) and was forced to back out. Nicole Kidman, Aly Michalka, Mandy Moore, AnnaSophia Robb, Taylor Momsen, and Dakota Fanning where all also considered for the part of Lavagirl, but had other projects to attend to.

User reviews



Well, I didn't like it. Or, at the least what I mean is that I just saw a movie with tons of plot-holes, childish themes, and so on. However, you better believe my kids loved it. My son actually hooted and hollered when Sharkboy started fighting the plugs. He grabbed my shirt and motioned for me to watch, even though I already was. I think I just witnessed my son discovering his first hero.

My daughter laughed and laughed. She loved Lavagirl. She thought it was hilarious when Lavagirl zapped Sharkboy because he said someone else was prettier. And my daughter is old enough to understand the themes of pursuing your goals and remaining strong in the face of discouragement. So I think she walked away very pleased with the film. She said she wants to be Lavagirl for Halloween.

If you're 16+ this movie is a loser. You won't like it, and that explains all the low scores you're seeing here. This movie just isn't for adults. But if you are a parent looking to entertain your kids, this movie works. And if you are reading this near the end of 2005 or later, you should probably know that renting this as a video will be a fine way to keep your kids occupied.



I hadn't planned on wasting my time reviewing this mess, but there are some subtleties that crept into my consciousness after the second forced viewing which may enhance a prospective viewer's experience.

First of all, this movie obviously was designed for younger kids. That fact alone has a detrimental effect on a review done by an adult (as can be seen by previous reviews). However, it should be noted that a movie for the target audience will most likely be attended by their parents or guardians, and should be at least bearable for them also. This movie falls short in that regard.

My son, who is 5, absolutely raves about this movie, and will no doubt wear out the DVD in the next few weeks. But my younger brother, who is 17, walked out five minutes into it. Kids under 12 will probably be best entertained by Sharkboy & Lavagirl. It is a very colourful movie with a lot of motion and many bizarre graphics. There is nothing offensive in this movie by the way. Even the "fight" scenes are mild and clean.

Now, the main subtlety on my mind is that Sharkboy (who was the best actor in this colourful, but mindless drivel) has obvious hidden talent. This movie, however, was not the right venue to expose that talent. Sharkboy moves well in action scenes and would be more aptly suited to a martial arts style role. Also, Sharkboy has a wide range of facial expressions (although the ones emphasised by this movie consisted mainly of scowls and frowns). With continued training, suitable roles, and of course (and most importantly) proper direction, Sharkboy could go far with his acting career. Also, he is a decent looking lad, which seems to be a requirement for an acting career these days. I'm certainly hoping we'll be seeing more of Sharkboy in the future.

Another noted item: If you have the 2D version, it seems to be far superior to the 3D. My son thought the glasses were fun the first time, but after that he didn't want anything to do with them and now only watches the 2D version. Possibly this 3D effect is better if viewed in a theatre.

I'm giving out a rating of 7 for this title, simply because it certainly has the ability to entertain the kids...which was its purpose I'm sure. I would definitely recommend Sharkboy & Lavagirl if you have younger children. For adults it has no value whatsoever.


I put this movie on for my 3 girls - 6 1/2 and 4 year twins earlier this week. They LOVED IT! It is definitely for the younger crowd and you need to take the movie for what it is.... a kid movie. Fortunately, I did record the movie on the DVR and they have watched it every day sometimes twice a day.

Also, since the boy in the movie has a dream journal, my oldest started to write in her journal again. Any movie that gets a kid to write has got to be OK.

Also, we watched the 2D version and seemed great. I really didn't know that there was a 3d version until now.


I can't remember the last time a movie confused and tormented my filmgoing soul as much as this movie did. Everything inside of me, everything in me that loves Shawshank Redemption and Vertigo and Raging Bull and all these great great great classic movies tells me that Sharkboy and Lavagirl was awful. And it was. Drastically awful. And I enjoyed almost every minute of it. Let me try and explain it this way - I have written ongoing lists of the greatest films ever made, and the worst films ever made, and Sharkboy and Lavagirl is the only movie I've ever seen that has gotten a placement in both lists for me.

Sharkboy is about a young child named Max who dreams up wonderful fantasies and adolescent superhero type adventures. Eventually he travels into this dream world aided by the aforementioned Sharkboy and Lavagirl as they fight to keep the dream world a happy go lucky place from the evil Mr. Electric. So there's the story. Simple, childish, and a bit reminiscent of Neverending Story. I knew this plot before my 6 year old cousin made me watch the film and I sighed. What a waste of two hours this would be. Then something strange happened. I got a chill. Then Lavagirl and Sharkboy appeared and took Max into their spaceship, and I got more chills. Throughout the course of the movie, especially in the end, I was enthralled and received more goosebumps than when I watched Braveheart, much to the embarrassment of my dumbfounded girlfriend.

I have no idea how to explain my reaction to the film. I was pleasantly surprised, obviously, and I had a lot of fun watching the movie (I'm excluding the terrible 3-D version of the film, which is a pointless distract-or and takes away a lot of the magic). Then why am I only giving this movie 5 stars out of 10 (a middling mark to avoid giving it a 10 or a 1)? For the same reason why the movie is both on my list of most hated and most loved - it's a bad movie. To say it's a guilty pleasure to me would be underestimating guilt and pleasure. The script is silly, the special effects are slapdash, the editing is at times incoherent, the acting is atrocious, and there are moments where even my 6 year old cousin grimaced at the lame dialogue. But damned if this movie isn't a lot of fun.

So I can't really recommend the movie to anyone over the age of 10. I still can't believe that I, a 17 year old classic film lover, enjoyed this movie as much as I did. But I can definitely tell that it's a movie younger kids, especially boys (for I'm pretty sure every boy this age has dreams and fantasies just like the ones in the film) will love. I harkin this bizarre feeling I have for Sharkboy to when you find an old cartoon you used to love as a young child and watch it again. Even though you're reciting the lines and the songs like you did when you were young, you know deep down that if it wasn't a childhood favourite and gave you so much nostalgia, you'd hate it just as much as everyone else. This is what this movie was like for me. It was the childhood flick I never got to see. Maybe that warrants a recommendation. Maybe still not. I really don't know - you'll have to see it for yourself and find out.

Or maybe not.


I took my 9 year old son to Shark Boy and Lava Girl expecting to see a movie for kids. I saw a movie for kids. Yes, the story was predictable and the acting could have been better. Many scenes had my son at the edge of his seat. He has a wild imagination and enjoyed seeing a movie about a boy with a similar imagination. Taylor Dooley is adorable, and Taylor Lautner has some great moves in the movie. I asked my son for a quote about the movie: "It is exciting, adventurous, and the 3-d effects could have been a little better, but if it wasn't 3-d it wouldn't be good at all". It's a kids movie and my kid liked it, maybe yours will too. I


I hated it.

My two kids (5 and 7) thought it was the best movie of all time. And they've seen lots of movies. Let's face it: we can't always dictate what the kids should like. This one simply appeals to them, and from a parents perspective, its basically harmless (except to the older crowd - then it is painfully boring).

I would recommend bringing a book.

Or a pillow and a sweater.

Or, at least some thoughts that you wanted to concentrate on for a while.


This movie makes no sense- at least, not in the linear, neat, tidy, world of adulthood. But, it captures the messy, gritty, disjointed, weird, raw, non-linear, funky, wild, whimsical, internally inconsistent world of true childhood fantasy better than any film I can remember. The story is based off the "dreams" and stories of the director's then 7 year old son. As a mother and teacher, I can tell you that while the characters and situations are unique, they are also completely representative of the types of stories and imagination games that I have heard again and again.

My own children have certainly created their own superheroes steeped in the same balance of derivative lore and imaginative elements that Sharkboy and Lavagirl possess. When faced with similar fantasies played out on screen, my children responded gleefully. Heck, even before we got the DVD home their imaginations had been so captured by what they read on the box that they could not stop discussing it. And, once they had viewed the film, the conversation continued (and continued and continued!). Almost immediately, characters from the film began showing up in my children's own pretending games- only, not *quite* as they had existed in the movie. The characters grew and evolved and were changed and fluffed until they fit seamlessly into my daughter's world of "Sigalates" and my son's "Robotland".

In other words, the film did beautifully what all good fantasies do- it inspired others to create, examine and expand their own. In my opinion, that is a near complete success.


The Adventures of Sharkboy & Lavagirl

This film is absolutely not for children. But is a postmodern masterpiece. It is a surrealistic nightmare on par with Eraserhead, as a young boy uses dreams to escape from the ennui of average suburban life. The purposely amateurish CGI work is an obvious satire of the blatant overuse of computer generated imagery in modern films. Additionally, the 3D work is a subtle undermining of the corporate film industry's reliance on this gimmicky technique. It is a psychedelic and stylistic tour de force, by far Rodriguez's best film. The script is a powerful exercise in stream-of-consciousness writing. You must see this film, but put the kids to bed first!



This movie doesn't really need a review. If you have a boy between the ages of 5 and 12, you are probably going to have/get to see this film so here's what to expect:

More of the same... only less. Sorry if that doesn't make sense but it will. More of the same because it's just like "Spy Kids 3-D" on the way it looks and unfold. It looks like a video game and is very predictable. Less is because there is, unfortunately, hardly any good 3-D sequences. Nothing pops out at you the way it did in SPY KIDS except for when someone sneezes or throws something, and that is not too often. The 3-D in the action scenes was poor and barely noticeable. You can't expect too much from the RED AND BLUE 3-D but this was a step backwards from SPY KIDS.

The good news is that you will probably not get a headache from the 3-D like SPY KIDS. My 6 year old loved it and did not say a word throughout (a minor miracle), so i guess it does what it is supposed to do. Entertain the kids.


Alright, I am bias... I don't think I possess the ability not to be. I have read Robert's book "Rebel without a crew", I have seen all of his movies. So, I am a fan of what I feel he is trying to do.

I saw the trailer for this movie, and thought it looked well... like a bad idea. But then I heard that it was his son's idea, and I did warm up to it. That said I didn't go to the theater expecting very much, but I knew I wanted to watch it with the mindset of a child. I have a younger brother, and now that I have seen it... I want to take him. But wouldn't have taken him without seeing it first, as he is still quite young. So my girlfriend and I went, and after a heated debate about film with some cinematic idiot while my girlfriend was in the washroom, we went in to see what it was all about.

So I'm not going to write out all the thing I liked it didn't like as a play by play on this movie. The one main thing that I really hated was the constant puns. But really, if I was a kid, I really think I would like it, a lot. It didn't seem all that different to me than any of the spy kids, and I plan on taking my little brother to see if my theory is true. The 3D worked on me, and while things weren't flying in my face the whole time, it did give the movie a strange depth.

So what can I say, I was in no way expecting cinematic brilliance but I did enjoy most of what I say created before me. I'm 20 years old, and I think I understood what they were trying to do.

So, I don't know... give it a chance. Take a kid to see it, or just try to enjoy it for what it is. But try to remember this, when you are a kid your imagination is insane. My brother tells me the most foolish, crazy stories... because he is a kid. The movie lets imagination run free, and I think that is a good thing.


this movie was conceived by a child and after less than 5 minutes of watching it, you can tell. i'm sure its target demographic of 6-10 year olds will love it because it has bright colors and kids as the lead actors, but that in no way makes it a good movie. by the way, the son of the director (whose idea the movie was) was 8 at the time the movie was released. movies like the shrek trilogy are also targeted to younger audiences but are very enjoyable for adults too because they have good writing, a good plot, and a great cast. this movie has none of those things. it does have a decent director, but that doesn't help a movie that is lacking in every other major film category.


This is one of the greatest films ever made. Exceptional SGI (especially the talking shark), brilliant character and a gripping plot makes shark boy and lava girl a true masterpiece. Must watch


I came into the movie with very low expectations. The 3.5 rating on IMDB and all other negative stigma revolving around this title left an impression at first. But, let me tell you, DO NOT listen to those people. I came into the movie, and within the first 5 SECONDS I was already gripped into this story that hasn't even begun yet. As I progressed through the movie, I only got more and more baffled by all of the negative reviews and comments people were leaving. EVERYTHING about this movie is perfect. Everything was done with the utmost care and all the characters are deftly woven into deep, relatable characters that you really care about and want to succeed. The music is fully orchestrated and truly epic, a soundtrack to truly fit the eminence of everything else in the movie. The CGI in the movie is done extremely well, with certain camera tricks and acting makes it look real. I must say all the computer engineers did a great job on their part, precise to the smallest polygon or pixel. The story is an absolute roller-coaster, one emotion to the next, each scene more breathtaking than the last. In short, everything about this movie was perfection in every aspect.

In conclusion, do not trust the low IQ nonintellectual degenerates that call this movie "trash" or "only kids stuff", this is a movie, like many others, which is only for intellectuals and requires a very high IQ to truly understand the depth of what is playing on your television screen. Go see Sharkboy and Lavagirl now, that is, if you're intellect is high enough.


I just wanted to include my thoughts on this movie, although they are rather late. First I would like to say that I watched Spy Kids and loved it. Almost all the movies I watch are kids movies, in fact. This movie was a disaster.

The acting was horrible - even the Teletubbies can do better. The plot is just about as lame as it can get. I mean, Lava Girl spills the plot early in the movie, and in a flat tone. Even in the scary parts, the actors sound as though they're reading their lines of a paper. The whole movie is dry and tasteless and very boring. Even the supposed climax is lame.


I bought this for my daughter, who is 9 yrs old. After 5 minutes into the movie I wanted to jump off the bridge. This movie would be good if it was used for interrogation. If forced to watch it, anyone would do anything or say anything just to be spared. I think the acting was horrible by all who was in the movie. I would like to say something more positive about this movie but I can't seem to think of anything. As with most kids my daughter will watch it many times over, she doesn't ask me to watch it with her anymore. My daughter absolutely loves it though and it is geared toward kids so I guess in that respect it should be rated higher but not by me.


Ten-year-old Max (Cayden Boyd) is having problems at his new school, where he is picked on by classmates and teachers alike after telling them about his superhero friends Shark Boy and Lava Girl (Taylor Lautner and Taylor Dooley). Everyone thinks he's making them up until one day, they show up to whisk him off to Planet Drool to help them fight the evil Mr. Electric (George Lopez) and Minus.

The plot sounds like a film that only kids will like. However, it has Rodriguez behind the camera and he did a good job with the first two Spy Kids movies. Unfortunately, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D is no where near as good as his previous work. Besides for Rodriguez, I didn't really have high hopes for the film Spy Kids 3D was awful and the trailers made this film seem like a joke. While watching the film, I thought it really was a joke. It was really cheesy and it was quite bereft of entertainment. I was hoping the film would start picking up from the weak start. Unfortunately, it didn't.

The acting is horrible which is surprising since the kids in Spy Kids were pretty good actors. Taylor Lautner, who plays Sharkboy, does the worst job and he gives a really wooden performance. Taylor Dooley, who plays Lavagirl, isn't much better and her performance is pretty weak. George Lopez just makes a fool of himself and he gives an over the top performance. David Arquette and Kristen Davis both give decent performances but they don't really appear in the film. The lead, who is played by Cayden Boyd, also gives a wooden performance. I know they are just kids but their efforts felt a little weak.

I am really disappointed with Robert Rodriguez. The direction was really weak and the editing seem to have been done by a child. He spent too much time on the style instead of the story. Sadly, the film isn't even that stylish and it just looks like a mess. The story is pretty cheesy and lame. I know it was written by a kid but it was still pretty weak. Since the story is weak, the film is very dull. The sad thing is that the movie is only 85 minutes long but it feels so much longer since there is very little here to actually enjoy. The special effects are also pretty bad and they left me with a headache. In the end, this family film is better left on the shelf. Rating 2/10


A colorful and occasionally imaginative film, The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl (In 3-D!!!) is an overall disappointment, a movie that had good intentions at the beginning, but devolved into a cheesy "message for our youth." The movie revolves around Max (Cayden Boyd), the picked-on grade school student who would rather create his own world rather than live in the real one. Of course he's picked on by class bully Linus (Jacob Davich), of course his parents are always fighting (David Arquette and Kristin Davis), and of course Max lives life as a miserable school student who has very little going for him. Writer/director Robert Rodriguez formulated the entire movie, from story to special effects, based on inspirations provided by his children. There are reasons that most movies, even the bad ones, are not made by children. The movie is well meaning, but relies on too many familiar story devices: class bullies, mean teachers, quiet kids who save the day. We've seen this movie before, but the colorful, Super Mario-Mushroom Kingdom-like worlds that inhabit the movie does add some to the entertainment value. Max is taken to his dream world, known as Planet Drool, by Sharkboy (Taylor Lautner) and Lavagirl (Taylor Dooley), the two superheroes of the world. Each superhero contains some depth, not as much as the superheroes in The Incredibles, but the nice little subplot of each character trying to find their place in the world was a nice touch. For instance, after one difficult scene to watch, we now know Sharkboy cannot rap well at all. Otherwise, the characters are each have one note. George Lopez hams it up, most likely intentionally to offer a cheese element to this movie, but I found his characters to be annoying. The movie's plot lacks any imagination, and the world of Planet Drool does feature some creativity, but not enough to save an otherwise pedestrian family feature. This movie is Rodriguez's second foray into the 3-D genre, and though I did not use the 3-D glasses while viewing the movie, the scenes accenting the technology are pretty obvious to the casual observer and distract from the overall viewing experience. I really enjoyed the visual style Robert Rodriguez employed in Sin City, and that movie may have even been enhanced with a few 3-D moments, but Sharkboy and Lava girl was a move in the opposite direction for the maverick director.


Really lame toilet jokes and third rate cgi tormented by horribly wooden acting (these guys make Keanu look like Oscar potential) throw that in with a crate of Velveeta and you've got this utter waste of time.

With a plot (if you can call it that) that is a rip off of The Wizard of Oz (kid goes to a fantasy world where everyone is a representation of people that kid interacts with)and a few kids books and one or two graphic novels (a kid dreaming up super heroes who become real is not even a remotely new concept). The movie tries really hard to get you interested in the characters but you just can't, even when Lavagirl or Sharkboy are in danger the overall response is apathy. The humor was received in the very same way no groans no anything.

Most of the adults in the theater i saw it in had to be woken up by their kids when it was over perhaps the best summation comes from the mouth of my 8 year old who said "That was the most boring adventure movie i ever saw.".

Sorry Mr. Rodriguez but you can put glitter (in this case 3D) on a pile of manure and it's still a pile of manure.


This is by far the worst film I've ever seen. It's cheesy, predictable, and 1 dimensional (even the 3-dimensional aspect to this film couldn't make up for it). It's about this ugly, moronic little kid who daydreams about stupid superheros. Then the superheros come to his school and kidnap him to save their own planet. Then they go through various "tasks" like "the land of milk and cookies". The stupid lava-freak has identity issues and the ugly shark kid is a violent, rabid freak who needs some medication or something.

I was embarrassed for watching this movie and for the people in it. it is a horrid insult to anyone who watches it.

The guy who played "Shark-Boy" goes to my friends school. He's a Sophomore. He's not very popular and gets made fun of a lot.....
Prince Persie

Prince Persie

After attending the premiere of this film (see comments below) I was amazed that it was poorly reviewed until I saw it at a local theater *without* polarization, multiple digital light projection, an IMAX screen, and state-of-the-art 3-D/non-disposable glasses. Now I know why people complained. What a mess.

All I can say is this: Robert Rodriguez's cinematic prowess exceeds most theaters' current technology. This amazing kid's film is great fun when viewed digitally. Seeing the polarized version not yet shown outside Austin was like stepping inside a View Master projector -- something I always wanted to do when I was a kid. Unfortunately, what Robert has conjured up can't yet be seen the way he designed it. Someday soon, perhaps!

--------- earlier comments, posted in June 2005:

Little did I know yesterday that when my eight-year-old granddaughter and I went to see The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3-D we would be viewing a polarized print of the film made exclusively for the Austin premiere. As Robert Rodriguez explained what we were about to see there was no way to imagine beforehand how the 3-D experience would be transformed by the killer combo of the polarized version shown on an IMAX screen through multiple DLPs. Once the movie started, however, I immediately realized I was watching something light years beyond anything I had yet seen. Trust me when I tell you that when Rodriguez waved his magic wand over the audience we caught an unforgettable glimpse of a child's dreams, as well as the future possibilities of cinematic fantasy.

Don't listen to those who say there's nothing new to be had here, or that the story's derivative, or it's just for kids. Forget what you hear from cynical reviewers unable to momentarily access their inner child. This story, written by a kid for other kids, hasn't been tainted by anyone's opinion about keeping the older film-goers entertained through adult-themed inside references and innuendo.

In making this film, Robert Rodriguez has wisely protected and preserved his son Racer's unique vision without the addition of dumbed-down "mature" wisecracks. Mr. Rodriguez, along with his producer--who just happens to be Robert's wife and Racer's mom, Elizabeth Avelan--knows that when it comes to children, play *is* their work. By respecting and valuing the realm of childhood imagination, this unique family team together share a story with us about the myriad ways creative thinking can impact the real world. Awe and wonder are not treated lightly here but rather offered to viewers in a much less adulterated form than that to which we have become accustomed.

Today when I think about it, I simply close my eyes and smile.


This is the most awful and boring kids movie in the history of kids movies. It's about some kid named Max(Rosie O'Donnel is more convincing than him) that has stupid fantasies of superheros that are bad actors. It's a rip-off of Wizard of Oz and Peter Pan, and the only laughs are because of how annoyingly stupid this is. There are several horrid one liners told by Sharkboy(Lavagirl's hair catches on fire and he says, "Let her cool off some steam".) Any good reviews that you read of this are from kids 3 and under that learned to type, or mentally disabled adults. David Arquette lends his bad acting to an extremely pointless and brainless part. I had to cringe when Sharkboy started singing an off tune and non sensible song. One of the lines from the song is, "Go to sleep you little bleep."....what? What's a little bleep? Also, the 3-D was horrible and was so dark that I could only stand the first 2 minutes of it, then the glasses went off. All the other people in the theater were either sleeping or putting guns up to their heads if the movie didn't end in a minute. Don't see this horrible movie ever. After you see it, you'll be depressed.

My rating-0%-F- 90 minutes(way too long). rated PG for poopy humor and some ugly computer generated action.


This is sort of a double review cause me and my girlfriend watched this together and we both have "thoughts" about it.

My 9yo cousin gave us this movie just cause he liked it...he even got us a couple pairs of 3d glasses to watch it with.

Both of us thought the movie was kid junk, but really isn't that what it was supposed to be? There were some fun spots though.

TRAVIS: Most of the characters I hated. (Too bad Mr. Electric didn't do away with some of em before he was defeated.) They were weak and poorly acted...esp. Max. But I liked Sharkboy for the most part. He had that cocky attitude that sort of appeals to me. And, although not original, some of his one-liners were cool.

ANNETTE: Travis is a bit harsh (as usual), but I'll agree with him about weak and poorly acted characters. I couldn't even identify with Lavagirl, although I thought she was quite attractive. Sharkboy was a really cute guy though. Mr. Electric/Teacher was nothing short of annoying.

TRAVIS: Story was really lame, but it's probably good enough for younger kids. It pretty much bored me tho. Some of the 3d was okay and I noticed it looked a heck of a lot better on our LCD TV than the old one.

ANNETTE: Yes. The story was very weak. But it was colourful, and as Travis noted, should appeal to a younger audience. 3d was fun, but not the best I've seen. We watched this on a 27-inch LCD screen with quite nice results.

ANNETTE: I thought the scene where Lavagirl zaps Sharkboy out of jealousy was the cutest part of this movie. And the way Sharkboy copied the tone of the Jurassic Park character's false calm in his "yell...scream" comment when they were on the "train-of-thought" was sort of humorous.

TRAVIS: Yeah Annette. You would like that zapping scene! My favourite scene was when Sharkboy says "ouch" with that sh*t-eating grin on his face when Lavagirl kisses him.

Well, anyhow, as you can see, we didn't totally abhor this movie. Although I think we both agree the only decent acting was by Sharkboy. For the most part this movie was boring. But that's most likely because we are too old for it. If you've got younger kids, it will probably entertain them adequately. Avg. rating=5.

TRAVIS: I rated this a 4 cause it seemed to be cranked out without much thought. With some extra work it could have been a lot better. The only reason it gets as high as a 4 is cause I liked Sharkboy.

ANNETTE: I rated this a 6 because it seemed to appeal to the audience intended. But I also agree that with more time and attention there certainly could have been a lot of improvement. Perhaps if Rodriguez decides to make a sequel, he will obtain a better story with better actors and surprise us all.


Using the Spy Kids franchise name as a potential boost, this movie lacks the creativity to be more than a direct to home offering.

As others mentioned, the 3-D was sub-par and the story was lacking that must see feel. The characters are over the top geared more to be made fun of than laugh with.

Having a kid movie is fine, in light of all the more abrasive elements out in the world, but making a bad move!

Plus marketing it to be the vein of Spy Kids is bad planning on part of the film makers. It is NOT Spy Kids, it's trying to be one but falls way short.

Children will go to see it if other kids are going, but I don't see this film as being a repeat performer as a must have kid classic. I doubt every kid that sees it will remember it the following week, unless someone is making fun at it.

Parents are better off sticking with the classics then wasting money to have their kids be bored with this flick!


My 6 year old daughter loved the movie, so I'll never repeat any of this in front of her. This movie was awful! Wooden acting, awful dialog, and a splotchy plot are all it has to offer. Talk about over-indulging your child... "Dad, I've got a GREAT idea for a movie, and by the way, I want to star in it!!!" How this one ever got made will be a mystery to me. I know that the whole point of a kids movie is to please the kid, but come on, please! There have been LOTS of kids movies, that while they weren't that great, were pleasant to watch. This one made me wish I were in a dentist's chair getting a root canal. At least it wouldn't be as painful as watching this.
felt boot

felt boot

well, i'll be honest, i am beginning to regret growing up, and quitting drugs. this movie would have been awesome if i were totally stoned out of my mind. (much like Charley and the chocolate factory)

all told, it is a fanciful story about a daydreaming kid, who is dealing with most of the people in his life telling him it's time to grow up, and stop dreaming.

it's not bad, and fairly kid safe. Your 4th grader will love this one. just don't try to sell them on it being another spy-kids. i do however see the potential for numerous sequels, and offshoots of this movie, much like the spy-kids franchise.