An old fellow who runs a "Knock a baby down and you will get a good cigar" booth in a large amusement resort, similar to Coney Island, has a lot of grotesque figures which afford no end of ... See full summary
Rêve de Chin-Ko-Ka (1908) Online

An old fellow who runs a "Knock a baby down and you will get a good cigar" booth in a large amusement resort, similar to Coney Island, has a lot of grotesque figures which afford no end of amusement to the spectators. The attendant of the show, falling asleep, dreams that all the figures get up and leave their places and go out in a body to have one hilarious time. The first place they strike is a Pathé show, and we watch them crowding in to enjoy the moving pictures. Next they all take a slide on the toboggan and their antics cause us much amusement, especially when we see them landing in a heap at the bottom of the slide. They have a boat ride, go on the roller coaster, have their pictures taken and enjoy all the sights in the place. Finally they come to a side show where a man is offering a price to anyone who can throw him in a wrestling match. One of the fellows tries, but loses in the first hold. Finally, one of the women of the party challenges the professional and with the ...