» » Urban (2010)

Urban (2010) Online

Urban (2010) Online
Original Title :
Genre :
Movie / Short / Action
Year :
Directror :
Vladimir Teneslav
Cast :
Florin Marza,Vlad Danila,Alex Ardelean
Writer :
Razvan Dumitru,Vladimir Teneslav
Budget :
Type :
Time :
Rating :
Urban (2010) Online

The movie illustrates a down town chase of a trained parkour runner that apparently holds a package of somewhat importance for some local mysterious men in suits.
Credited cast:
Florin Marza Florin Marza - Runner
Vlad Danila Vlad Danila - Biker
Rest of cast listed alphabetically:
Alex Ardelean Alex Ardelean - Main Guard
Cristian Necula Cristian Necula - SUV Driver
Cosmin Sulea Cosmin Sulea - BMW Driver

The director initially wanted to film with 3 DSLR cameras to skip takes and catch many angles on stunts. In the end only one DSLR was used for the whole short-film.

The first day of film, with many stunts and action was almost entirely ruined by bad camera settings.

The short-film was made for a Romanian contest, that wanted a visual art piece with the theme "Speed". It won 3rd place and a prize of 500$.

The movie had 2 weeks of preproduction, 4 weeks of production and 1 week of post production.

Initially the director had planned a 10 minutes short-film that included the complete action of a Runner, Roller and a BMX biker, but due to time limitations he had to drop 60% of the content, just to make it in the contest.

The 4 minutes that make Urban are only the beginning of what was initially planned by the director, Vladimir Teneslav.

Intensive matte-paintings were planned for Urban backgrounds, to add skyscrapers and a big city feel, but there was no time left before the submission.

The director, Vladimir Teneslav, planned to flip the whole movie to have the chaser run from left to right, but in the end there was no time left to flip the car numbers and other writings that would have spoiled the trick.