» » Broadway Television Theatre Death Takes a Holiday (1952–1954)

Broadway Television Theatre Death Takes a Holiday (1952–1954) Online

Broadway Television Theatre Death Takes a Holiday (1952–1954) Online
Original Title :
Death Takes a Holiday
Genre :
TV Episode / Comedy / Drama
Year :
Cast :
Wendy Drew,Nigel Green
Writer :
Alberto Casella
Type :
TV Episode
Time :
Rating :
Broadway Television Theatre Death Takes a Holiday (1952–1954) Online

Death decides to take a holiday from his usual business to see what it is like to be a mortal. Posing as Prince Sirki, he spends 3 days with Duke Lambert and his guests at the Duke's estate. Several of the women are attracted to the mysterious prince, but shy away from him when they sense his true nature. But Grazia, the beautiful young woman whom the Duke thought was to marry his son, loves him even when she knows who he is.
Episode credited cast:
Wendy Drew Wendy Drew - Grazia
Nigel Green Nigel Green - Prince Sirki of Vitalba Alexa