» » A Smoky Mountain Christmas (1986)

A Smoky Mountain Christmas (1986) Online

A Smoky Mountain Christmas (1986) Online
Original Title :
A Smoky Mountain Christmas
Genre :
Movie / Fantasy / Music
Year :
Directror :
Henry Winkler
Cast :
Dolly Parton,Lee Majors,Bo Hopkins
Writer :
William Bleich,William Bleich
Type :
Time :
1h 34min
Rating :
A Smoky Mountain Christmas (1986) Online

A country and western singer on a trip through the Tennessee mountains runs into a reclusive backwoodsman, and a witch.
Cast overview, first billed only:
Dolly Parton Dolly Parton - Lorna Davis
Lee Majors Lee Majors - Mountain Dan
Bo Hopkins Bo Hopkins - Sheriff John Jensen
Dan Hedaya Dan Hedaya - Harry
Anita Morris Anita Morris - Jezebel
Danny Cooksey Danny Cooksey - Jasper
Gennie James Gennie James - Cindy
Chad Sheets Chad Sheets - Jake
Marc D. Robinson Marc D. Robinson
Daryl Bartley Daryl Bartley - Freddie
Ashley Bank Ashley Bank - Mary
Micah Rowe Micah Rowe - Buster
David Ackroyd David Ackroyd - Video Director
Rene Auberjonois Rene Auberjonois - Ned
Douglas Seale Douglas Seale - Vernon

User reviews



I watched this film for the first time on the Hallmark Channel last week and it is now a permanent fixture in my video collection, please please bring it out on DVD in the UK. As always Dolly Parton's warmth shines through, making this a great family film. Yes the acting is not tops but the simple sets, the innocence of the kids and the general easy going story makes it perfect. An added bonus is Dolly's singing, it is straight from the heart and gives you the feeling of watching a part of Dolly's childhood. Yes as usual she is done up to the nines and wanders around the Smoky Mountains in her high heels but that is part of the charm and whimsy of Dolly and this film, just take it for what it is, "ENTERTAINMENT" that all the family can watch and feel a part of . A Great Christmas family country classic leaving you feeling the warmth of Christmas!!


I saw this movie and it is a great movie. Dolly plays wonderful with the kids. Dan the mountain man keeps watchful eye on the kids. If anyone is interested in buying this movie Amazon sells it on VHS but it is out of stock


Please, please, please bring this movie out to DVD. I grew up watching this movie after every Christmas dinner. I have very fond memories of sitting around the Christmas tree, sipping cocoa and watching this wonderful family film. Our family tape has been watched so many times that it will not play anymore. This is a movie that I would love to pass along to my children someday--good, wholesome fun. And, not to mention the cheesy country-western singing. I love it! I think that every child of the 80's wanted Dolly as her mother after watching this one! Dolly and Lee made a wonderful team. So, please bring it to DVD! I do not own a VCR anymore.


dolly and lee majors in smoky mountain Christmas is my favorite movie when i had my VCR i watch it all year round now i can't watch it any more cause i don't have a VCR and you don't sell it on DVD i really wish you would make it on DVD so i can start watching it again i really miss watching please. the movie at times it real sad i start to cry but watching more of it then it makes you happy again. me and my daughter watched it together all the time. She asked me the other day if they make it on DVD so we could watch it. its the best Christmas movie i have ever watch and i really love watching it over and over. I think Dolly Parton and Lee Majors are very good actors together. Well have a good holiday and i hope it comes out on DVD very soon


This is absolutely my favorite Christmas movie. The film can be hard to find but for the past few years CMT has thankfully played it several times each December. It has everything a movie should have: preposterous wigs, shotguns galore, a gang of multi-cultural orphans, a mountain man, an evil witch, and a whole lotta Dolly Parton with a guitar. Plus its directed by the Fonz! Think snow white meets coal miners daughter and throw in some good old fashioned Christmas spirit. Cinematic gold! The movie is heavily sprinkled with clichés, but in a fun and stylish way. If you're looking for character development or high drama, look elsewhere. If, on the other hand, you're looking for John Ritter to say with a heavy drawl "thats real Christmasy of you" look no further.


I had just turned 4 when this movie was first released and I remember watching it at least 50 times since, but sure it has been more! I absolutely loved this warm Christmas story and how it brought them all together like a real family! Was so great! I am very grateful to have had the privilege of sharing such a movie in my lifetime and plan to share this movie with my own son time and again! You just don't see movies like that made anymore. Such a shame! It shows how love and trust in any family, blood or not, takes some time and patience. But is well worth it all in the end! Also it's just all around a great family movie for any age. As I had said before, I loved it when I was a kid and am planning to share it with my own kids as time goes on. I recommend to anyone looking for something that the whole family can enjoy this holiday to watch A Smoky Mountian Christmas! It's sure to warm your heart and put a smile on your face! So when you're looking for the right movie this Christmas season, don't forget to run out and pick up your copy! Enjoy and happy holidays!
Throw her heart

Throw her heart

This is one of my favorite movies from growing up. I always thought that this movie had a lot of the real Dolly in it, since she plays a famous country singer who wants to get out of the limelight and get back to her country roots to have some peace to herself. I loved her interaction with the kids and I used to watch this with my mom. There is also so great music in it and a lot of humor. This movie also has so really beautiful scenery and I believe it was shot on location. There is a bit of weirdness with the villain and her relationship with Dolly in the movie, but otherwise it is great. The chemistry between the male lead and Dolly is good also. This needs to be on DVD!


This is one of the BEST Christmas movies my family and I have seen in a long time. Dolly Parton brings out the true meaning of Christmas. I have been searching for it but can't seem to find it for sale anywhere. If it ever does show up I know we will be buying it.


Saw this movie several years ago. Have been trying to find a copy of it ever since. It is the best family Christmas video we have seen in years. Has the true meaning of Christmas in it!! I hope many more people request this excellent movie.


i have seen this movie a hundred times ........................................ and i would have to say i love it love it love it ... dolly parton is my favorite country singer and i love all her movies she is great with the kids and showing them how to be loved was a very inspiring to me ..... i would love to own this movie and i will as soon as i find it to where i don't have to cut off an arm or leg to get it ... i love all dolly Paton's movie's this one , unlikely angels , a Christmas to remember , and many more i have seen almost all if not all of her movies and i love them all ...if you know where i can get this movie and many more of her movies without paying too much please let me know wiskerskitty88@yahoo.com i would love to here your comment on how to get it thanks


I rated this movie high because I ranked it against other Christmas Movies. The unique thing about this movie is not only is the setting in east Tennessee, i.e. the Smoky Mountains, much of the cast are Tennesseans. Dolly Parton, Lee Majors, Bo Hopkins, and John Ritter are from Tennessee. Well, sort of they are. Lee Majors actually met and was friends with the legendary Pittsburgh and University of Tennessee football coach Johnny Majors and adopted his name. Johnny Majors is a Tennessee native and Heisman Trophy runner-up. John Ritter was the son of famous country singer Tex Ritter. Bo Hopkins is a Good 'ol boy and Greenville, South Carolina is close enough to the Smoky Mountains. And Dolly is from the Smoky Mountains. My favorite line from Bo as the sheriff to his deputy: "Never ever wake that woman." That was in reference to the character played by Anita Morris originally from Durham, NC.


This movie, we have had taped from TV back in the 80's, and I have watched it every year I can remember. From a child growing up, to now a 21 yr. old, I still feel like a kid and get entirely into the movie Every time I watch it. Thank you so much Dolly for the life-fulfilling movie! I will watch this until I die, and when IU have kids they will watch it too. I want to find the songs that she sings in it somewhere. Anyone know? This movie is a recommendation I give to everyone around Christmas time. Being a huge Chrisztmas fan and all, I think that the holiday should automatically go hand in hand with this movie no matter where you go!


I think that movie shows the real meaning of Christmas. I think the other movies like Home Alone and the second ones show a very bad maening for kids and how Christmas should be spent. I like the fact that they use the kids to portray the warmth and the feeling of Christmas.


I just watched this on CMT's Cowboy Cool Theater, and I love it! It really is a classic. Very meaningful and not over commercial. I recommend it to all! Dolly Parton and Lee Marvin give great performances, and the kids are great too, they aren't all cutesy like in other Christmas movies.


Well, Sam from Diff'rent Strokes was in it, but the positives stop there. Don't waste your time here, there's gotta be something else to do.


I maybe should have gone up to an 8 for this. I do love a made for TV Christmas movie in any case and adding Dolly Parton's voice, plus some sappy and some corny totally worked for me. I love this.


Please bring this to dvd. This has been my favorite Christmas movie aince i was a kid. I've bought it any time I've seen it to keep an extra vhs on hand. But we need it on dvd!


Love this movie. Please put it on DVD it seems that is the only way I am ever going to get to watch it again. It is one of my absolute favorite movies of Dolly's. I have watched this movie from the day it came out on VHS I was 6 years old and I remember it like it was yesterday. One of the best memories of my childhood ( which is far and few between) is all 18 grandkids sitting in our grand parent's living room watching this movie. Please put it on DVD. I would love to carry on my Mamaw's tradition of watching Smokey Mountain Christmas every Christmas eve with my kids and grandkids. We all Love Dolly Parton. Own all her movies that is out on DVD and all her Cd's that is out.


This is a great Christmas movie with Dolly Parton playing a country musician going to the mountains at Christmas. It features her spending Christmas with orphaned kids and the true meaning of Christmas, hand made gifts, songs, and Christmas blessings. If you are in to the old fashioned Christmas movies, this is one you will love. I have been looking to purchase this movie to add to my collection. I found it on ebay, amazon, and jeengles .com. I also found that CMT plays this movie during the Christmas Season. Definitely a "Must See Movie" and worth researching!!! I Would Rate this a 10 and an excellent movie for all ages!!!


Basically, this movie changed my life. I can't think of Christmas without thinking of this amazing film. The music - incredible. The message - even better. If you have a heart, I guarantee you will LOVE this film. It is a shame so few people have heard of the best Christmas movie bestowed upon mankind. I remember watching this movie every Christmas of my youth. I think about it often, but it is so hard to find this film since few people know about it. My best friend got her hand on the DVD. When I received it, well, it was one of the best moments of my life. I cannot express how touching this film is. For those of us who have seen this movie, we need to be doing our best to let others know of this wondrous Christmas epic. Let's do our part to bring this film to every household in Ameica. Everyone needs to take part of that magic that is "Smokey Mountain Christmas."


I Have seen this show every year at Christmas time. I am always scared I will miss it 1 year. I movie that is this good I hope to see on DVD. I would love to have it in my collection of movies. It is so wonderful on the true meaning of love that can be done year round. Helping those in need. It covers so much from our every day life, It is so easy to relate too. Very funny. My favorite actors Dolly And Lee are perfect for this movie. The kids are so real in this movie. This movie is what Christmas is all about. It is so funny how the sisters are put in there place. And the sheriff is put to sleep. I love the music it tells the story. The witch is evil, she fits the part well. I love the get togethers in the cabin, especially the nights before when they are preparing foe xmas. The trip to the doctor office.


I used to watch this movie when i was younger and i loved it especially the mountain scene and the country music sung by Dolly Pardon if anyone knows of where u can get a copy could u please let me know.I know it must be rare to get but if any comes across one could they please let me know as i would really like to watch it again and show my kids as they love those kind of movies. I remember watching it on television and if i could remember the channel that it was on i would even ask the television station so if any knows of where i could get a copy or can remember the television station it was on i would really appreciate it if you could let me know.


I think this is the perfect feel-good Christmas movie, and I really LOVE the soundtrack. Does anyone know where I can get the lyrics to the santa song ('I'd like to spend Christmas with Santa this year') and the Christmas tree song ('Take my hand, take my heart')???? I don't even know what they are called, and I've looked everywhere!!! Please help me if you can!!!! Wonderful, wonderful movie. Good on you Henry!!


definitely a "10". i have tried every year to find this movie to buy for myself. it shows christmas with love and compassion, minus all the commercialism/materialistic views. we need more of this and less of the other. hope to see it released for sale some day.

melanie davis


Dolly Parton was wonderful in this piece Mountain Christmas Magic. She plays a big country singing star who "escapes" the city scene one Christmas into the mountains where she was raised. Borrowing a cabin in a remote spot from a friend she soon discovers that she is not alone but sharing the cabin with six runaway orphan children. From the reporter who follows her to the sheriff who chases her and the witch who wants her to leave. It's a great Christmas adventure that deserves to be released for the upcoming Christmas season!