» » True Love Hotel (2008)

True Love Hotel (2008) Online

True Love Hotel (2008) Online
Original Title :
True Love Hotel
Genre :
Movie / Animation / Short
Year :
Directror :
Alon Gaash
Writer :
Alon Gaash
Type :
Time :
Rating :

The story of a small, lonely, anonymous resident of a large, alienating city. He has lived all his life in his parents house and continues to do so after their deaths (his father was killed... See full summary

True Love Hotel (2008) Online

The story of a small, lonely, anonymous resident of a large, alienating city. He has lived all his life in his parents house and continues to do so after their deaths (his father was killed in a war, and the mother faded to her death in the following years). The story is in three parts, and tells of the experiences of this one fellow throughout one day.