Cupid's work was ever of a troublesome nature. Two chums, Tom and Andy, become rivals for the hand of the fair Clara. She finds she loves both fellows and consequently is unable to ... See full summary
The Other Fellow; or, A Fight for Love (1909) Online

Cupid's work was ever of a troublesome nature. Two chums, Tom and Andy, become rivals for the hand of the fair Clara. She finds she loves both fellows and consequently is unable to determine which to accept. The rivals are not content to leave the all-important question to the fair maid for her decision, but every time they meet, argue the matter and end in a fight. The first encounter results in torn clothing and injured faces with honors about even. At their next meeting, a few days later, the battle is renewed, but this time with sabres. Such weapons, however, are only for those skilled in the use of them and the boys end up in a second fist fight. Another encounter follows the next day with revolvers, but they are poor targets for each other and wind up with the usual method of "fists." Meanwhile the fair Clara is wooed and won by an impetuous Frenchman. They are quietly married to avoid unpleasant scenes with the fighting "rivals." The boys, however, hear of the Frenchman's ...
Released as a split reel along with The Interrupted Joy Ride (1909).