Odd Jobs takes us on the journey of two dimwitted childhood friends, Hal and Wally, both whom were recently fired from their job. Now in their 30's, with no girlfriends and little ... See full synopsis
Odd Jobs Online

Odd Jobs takes us on the journey of two dimwitted childhood friends, Hal and Wally, both whom were recently fired from their job. Now in their 30's, with no girlfriends and little accomplished as of yet, they set out to find jobs. After a few unsuccessful attempts, they land the odd job of maintaining the grounds of a suburban mansion complete with a golf course, owned by Angelo, a crooked CEO executive. The pals later are approached by Angelo with the request to spy on his exotic Russian wife Vika, who Angelo suspects is hiding something, perhaps an affair. Hal and Wally soon find out that this new odd job will change their lives forever, as they find themeslves on the run from the FBI, CIA, Russian and Italian Mobs, and even Angelo himself. To their surprise, the journey through their odd jobs leads them to love, and a happy ending.