» » Antônio Conselheiro e a Guerra dos Pelados (1977)

Antônio Conselheiro e a Guerra dos Pelados (1977) Online

Antônio Conselheiro e a Guerra dos Pelados (1977) Online
Original Title :
Antônio Conselheiro e a Guerra dos Pelados
Genre :
Movie / Drama
Year :
Directror :
Guga de Oliveira
Cast :
Tito Alencastro,Fernando Bezerra,Kerton Bezerra
Writer :
Euclides da Cunha
Type :
Rating :
Antônio Conselheiro e a Guerra dos Pelados (1977) Online

Credited cast:
Tito Alencastro Tito Alencastro
Fernando Bezerra Fernando Bezerra
Kerton Bezerra Kerton Bezerra
Olney Cazarré Olney Cazarré
Harildo Deda Harildo Deda
Renato Dobal Renato Dobal
José Fernandes José Fernandes
Mário Gusmão Mário Gusmão
Carlos Koppa Carlos Koppa
Henrique Lisboa Henrique Lisboa
Wilson Mello Wilson Mello
Victor Merinow Victor Merinow
Cuberos Neto Cuberos Neto
José Passos Neto José Passos Neto
Antônio Petrin Antônio Petrin

User reviews



The name given for this picture in the site is Antonio Conselheiro e a guerra dos Pelados, meaning "Antonio Conselheiro and the war of the naked". I think the name of the picture should be "Antonio Conselheiro e a Guerra De Canudos" as we know it here in Brazil, meaning "Antonio Conselheiro and the war at Canudos". Canudos was, or still is a historical place in Brazilian history, as written by Euclides DA Cunha? Euclides da Cunha was a jornalist and writer. He was a correspondent for the journal "O Estado de São Paulo", describim and trying to understand what really did happen at Canudos. From what he saw e did some poems that were usid in his famous book "Sertões", were he describe the war at Canudos.