If you are seeking a Feature Film we can recommend this to fill the bill in every particular. The picture is full of sentiment and will actually cause tears to flow before the end is ... See full summary
The Soldier's Return (1903) Online

If you are seeking a Feature Film we can recommend this to fill the bill in every particular. The picture is full of sentiment and will actually cause tears to flow before the end is reached. A Soldier of the British army after being decorated returns to the little village which he left when a boy and immediately wends his way to his old home expecting to find his old mother with whom he expected to live for the remainder of his life. To his astonishment and pain, he learns from a neighbor that his mother, too poor to pay her rent, had been sent to the County Institution. He inquires the way there and on being informed goes hither instantly and demands to see his mother. She appears and they fall into each other's arms, the mother wiping away her tears. The brave soldier tells his mother that she must leave the place at once and commands her to come with him, which she does. The picture again changes showing the old lady seated in the doorway of their old home knitting, while her son ...