» » Fantastic Mr Fox: T4 Movie Special (2009)

Fantastic Mr Fox: T4 Movie Special (2009) Online

Fantastic Mr Fox: T4 Movie Special (2009) Online
Original Title :
Fantastic Mr Fox: T4 Movie Special
Genre :
Movie / Documentary
Year :
Directror :
Steven Vinacour
Writer :
Steven Vinacour
Type :
Rating :
Fantastic Mr Fox: T4 Movie Special (2009) Online

Credited cast:
Rick Edwards Rick Edwards - Himself

User reviews

Scoreboard Bleeding

Scoreboard Bleeding

I had to give this movie personally a 10 out of 10

for creativity in humor mixed with a strange sense of oddly worried scene's and to think that any character may get hurt, make you hesitant. The story of fantastic mr fox by (is it rahl?)must have been a great read indeed and fun The intensive work and effort the movie creators put into this awesome flick. I don't push the bar up near the top 10 unless I have good reason to - not just had a emotion hijack and thought it was so great.

This movie tops many in a lot of areas for this genre and surpasses many enough to honestly give it a 10

Watch it and love it.

Ian svankmajor (spelling is incorrect but the sound is there)

This man does stop frame animation to the extreme and is one of the first to do so over multiple movies (weird as they are, but interesting).

Wallace and Grommet Movies to me feel the next step and are just wonderful effort and humor

So Mr fox was the next step again to me in the life of stop frame animation.

Just Limitless. :)