» » Maeui gyedan (1964)

Maeui gyedan (1964) Online

Maeui gyedan (1964) Online
Original Title :
Maeui gyedan
Genre :
Movie / Thriller
Year :
Directror :
Man-hui Lee
Cast :
Jeong-suk Moon,Jin Kyu Kim,Seong-ja Bang
Writer :
Jong-taek Lee
Budget :
KRW 5,000,000
Type :
Time :
1h 48min
Rating :

A man wants to leave his mistress so he can marry the daughter of the director of the hospital. However, complications ensue and the devil in this man is released.

Maeui gyedan (1964) Online

A man wants to leave his mistress so he can marry the daughter of the director of the hospital. However, complications ensue and the devil in this man is released.
Cast overview:
Jeong-suk Moon Jeong-suk Moon
Jin Kyu Kim Jin Kyu Kim
Seong-ja Bang Seong-ja Bang